St. Mary’s Food Bank’s trucks deliver FREE fresh produce directly to the community in an open air market-style shopping experience for individuals and families in need. Click here for more information and to see the current month’s schedule. Website

New Covenant Church Food Bank (820 West Cleveland, St. Johns, AZ 85936) provides commodity and emergency food boxes on specific days of the month. Please call (928) 337-3205 if you need an emergency food box. Website

Old Concho Community Assistance Program (35432 Highway 180A, Concho, AZ 85924) provides emergency food boxes on Tuesdays from 9:00 am until 2:00 pm. Contact them at (928) 337-5047.

Round Valley Cares, Inc. (109B “C” Street, Springerville, AZ 85938) provides emergency food boxes on Thursdays from 9:00 am until 11:00 pm. Contact them at (928) 333-8660.

Nourish PHX helps families meet basic needs, including food, clothing, shoes, soap, shampoo, diapers, and baby formula five days a week. Click here to see a flier (English and Spanish) about their services, location, and requirements. Website

APS limited income customers may be eligible to reduce their electric bill through APS’s Energy Support Program (E-3) or Medical Care Equipment Program (E-4). Click here to learn qualifying guidelines for the Energy Support Program and click here to learn qualifying guidelines for the Medical Care Equipment Program. Website

Old Concho Community Assistance Program (35432 Highway 180A, Concho, AZ 85924) provides emergency rent and mortgage payment assistance. Also provides one-time payment of past due utility bills. Contact them at (928) 337-5047

CASA of Apache County
P.O. Box 1222
St. Johns, AZ 85936
Phone: 928-337-3552
Fax: 928-337-7950

Click here to request a CASA for your child in care.

DES’s Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) is a federally funded, statewide program that helps families meet their basic needs on a time limited basis. TANF’s programs include nutrition assistance, cash assistance, and health insurance. Website

DES ON THE GO is a mobile program that involves two sport-utility vehicles that transport Division of Benefits and Medical Eligibility (DBME) Family Assistance Administration (FAA) employees, their laptops and other equipment to remote locations in northern and southern Arizona, including Apache County. The FAA Program Service Evaluators (PSE) set up tables and tents to assist people with applications and interviews for food and cash assistance as well as health care needs. Click here for more information about this program.

Go through the chain of command by contacting your caseworker and their supervisor. Click here for the list of DCS offices and telephone numbers. If that does not work please call the DCS Ombudsman at 602-255-2666 or email

Go through the chain of command by contacting your caseworker and their supervisor. Click here for the list of DCS offices and telephone numbers. If that does not work please call the DCS Ombudsman at (602) 364-0777 or email

Navajo Nation Veterinary & Livestock Program has 4 veterinary clinics (including one in Chinle and one in Window Rock) where they provide a number of veterinary services, including low cost rabies vaccinations. Click here to see their brochure. Website

Southern Arizona Legal Aid, Inc. provides free, civil legal aid to qualified low-income persons who would not otherwise have access to Arizona's civil justice system. SALA's services include legal counseling and advice concerning legal rights and responsibilities, limited services such assistance with completing legal documents, outreach, referrals, self-help clinics and representation in court and in administrative hearings. Website

APS limited income customers may be eligible to reduce their electric bill through APS’s Energy Support Program (E-3) or Medical Care Equipment Program (E-4). Click here to learn qualifying guidelines for the Energy Support Program and click here to learn qualifying guidelines for the Medical Care Equipment Program. Website

Southwest Gas – low income customers may qualify for assistance in paying their gas bill. Website

Southeastern Arizona Community Action Program, Inc. (Website; for emergency services call 1-800-293-1144) provides utility and rent/mortgage assistance at the following locations:

  1. SEACAP in Bisbee (1326 Highway 92 #11, Bisbee, AZ 85603) - contact them at (520) 432-5401.
  2. St. Vincent de Paul Society in Douglas (543 N. G Avenue, Douglas, AZ 85607) – contact them at (520) 364-7573.
  3. Oscar Yrun Community Center in Sierra Vista (3020 E. Tacoma Street, Sierra Vista, AZ 85635) – contact them at (520) 458-7922.
  4. SEACAP in Willcox (300 W. Rex Allen Drive, Willcox, AZ 85643) – contact them at (520) 384-3120.
  5. Benson City Hall in Benson (120 W. 6th Street, Benson, AZ 85602) - contact them at (520) 586-2245.

CASA of Cochise County
P.O. Box 4219
Bisbee, AZ 85603
Phone: 520-432-7521
Fax: 520-432-7247

Click here to request a CASA for your child in care.

Cochise County CASA Program
P.O. Box 204
Bisbee, AZ 85603

Abby Dodge (work - 520-432-7521; fax - 520-432-7247; is the court's CASA coordinator; she brings requests to the Cochise County Council for CASA (a non-profit organization that enriches the CASA program). The CASA County Council does tutoring, beds, clothing, apartment set-ups, outings, and gas for CASAs.

Arizona Kinship Support Services/KARE
400 W. Fry Blvd., Suite 11
Sierra Vista, AZ 85635
520-458-2131, ext. 1821

Click here for more information.

Double Up Food Bucks - New Program - Double Up Food Bucks Arizona is a nutrition-based, federally funded program that helps people bring home more healthy fruits and vegetables, while also supporting Arizona farmers. The program doubles the value of SNAP (formerly food stamps) benefits used at farmers markets. Use your SNAP Quest Card at participating farmers markets and every dollar you spend is matched with an extra dollar to spend on more Arizona-grown fruits and vegetables, up to an additional $20 in free fruits and vegetables per market visit. Double Up Food Bucks Arizona is currently available at 14 farmers markets, four farm stands and 34 Fresh Express Mobile Market sites across the state.

Visit to find participating farmers markets including hours and locations or ask about Double Up Food Bucks at the information booth the next time you shop with your SNAP Quest Card at your favorite farmers market. Program of Pinnacle Prevention.

Community Food Pantry of Benson (1120 W. 4th Street, Benson, AZ 85602) provides emergency food boxes on Wednesdays from 9:00 am until noon. Contact them at (520) 586-5186. Website

Douglas Area Food Bank (660 G Avenue, Douglas, AZ 85607) provides emergency food boxes on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00 am until 11:00 am. Contact them at (520) 364-4170.

Society of St. Vincent de Paul has 3 locations that provide emergency food boxes:

  1. Douglas location (543 G Avenue, Douglas, AZ 85607) – Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1:00 pm until 3:00 pm. Contact them at (520) 364-7573.
  2. Sierra Vista location (614 Bartow Drive, Sierra Vista, AZ 85635) – Mondays through Fridays from noon until 4:00 pm. They distribute commodities the first Wednesday of the month from 8:30 am until noon. Contact them at (520) 458-9725.
  3. Pearce (St. Jude) location (787 Topaz Road, Pearce, AZ 85625) – Contact them at (520) 826-3869 for hours of operation.

St. Patrick Food Bank (100 Quality Hill, Bisbee, AZ 85603) provides emergency food boxes on Thursdays from 10:00 am until 1:00 pm. The food bank is located in the St. Patrick Church Parish Hall, in the basement of the church. Contact them at (520) 432-5009. Website

Loaves and Fishes Food Bank (1056 Highway #92, Bisbee, AZ 85603) provides emergency food boxes. Must have a referral from an agency or a church. Contact them at (520) 432-3872.

Valley Food Bank (Elfrida Fire Department at 10293 N. Central Highway, Elfrida, AZ 85610) provides emergency food boxes on Mondays through Fridays from 8:00 am until 4:00 pm. Commodities are distributed on Fridays from noon until 1:30 pm. Contact them at (520) 642-3749.

Salvation Army - Sierra Vista (156 E. Wilcox, Sierra Vista, AZ 85635) provides food boxes on Wednesdays from noon until 3:00 pm and Fridays from 10:00 am until 3:00 pm. Contact them at (520) 459-8411.

Diaper Bank of Southern Arizona provides diapers for children through collaborative community partnerships. Begin by completing this form, then you be given a listing of distribution sites.

Salvation Army Flagstaff (507 Humphreys Street, Flagstaff 86001) provides diapers. Contact them at (928) 774-1403. Website

Go through the chain of command by contacting your caseworker and their supervisor. Click here for the list of DCS offices and telephone numbers. If that does not work please call the DCS Ombudsman at (602) 364-0777 or email

First Steps is a phone-based service for parents with an infant under 3 months of age. You can call them with any parenting questions. Contact them at (520) 458-7348.

Boys and Girls Club provides a number of programs for different ages as well as a summer program. There is a fee for membership, but financial aid is available. There are 2 locations:

  1. Sierra Vista (1746 Paseo San Luis, Sierra Vista, AZ 85635). Contact them at (520) 515-1511. Website
  2. Bisbee (405 Arizona Street, Bisbee, AZ 85603). Contact them at (520) 432-3010. Website

DES’s Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) is a federally funded, statewide program that helps families meet their basic needs on a time limited basis. TANF’s programs include nutrition assistance, cash assistance, and health insurance. Website

DES ON THE GO is a mobile program that involves two sport-utility vehicles that transport Division of Benefits and Medical Eligibility (DBME) Family Assistance Administration (FAA) employees, their laptops and other equipment to remote locations in northern and southern Arizona, including Cochise County. The FAA Program Service Evaluators (PSE) set up tables and tents to assist people with applications and interviews for food and cash assistance as well as health care needs. Click here for more information about this program.

Southern Arizona Legal Aid, Inc. provides free, civil legal aid to qualified low-income persons who would not otherwise have access to Arizona's civil justice system. SALA's services include legal counseling and advice concerning legal rights and responsibilities, limited services such assistance with completing legal documents, outreach, referrals, self-help clinics and representation in court and in administrative hearings. Website

Market on the Move through the 3000 Club-For a donation of $10 in Phoenix and Tucson, and $15 in Northern Arizona you can get up to 60 lbs. of fresh produce in a farmers market like atmosphere and setup that you can share with your friends, family, neighbors or other people in need. For a schedule and locations click here.

Double Up Food Bucks - New Program - Double Up Food Bucks Arizona is a nutrition-based, federally funded program that helps people bring home more healthy fruits and vegetables, while also supporting Arizona farmers. The program doubles the value of SNAP (formerly food stamps) benefits used at farmers markets. Use your SNAP Quest Card at participating farmers markets and every dollar you spend is matched with an extra dollar to spend on more Arizona-grown fruits and vegetables, up to an additional $20 in free fruits and vegetables per market visit. Double Up Food Bucks Arizona is currently available at 14 farmers markets, four farm stands and 34 Fresh Express Mobile Market sites across the state.

Visit to find participating farmers markets including hours and locations or ask about Double Up Food Bucks at the information booth the next time you shop with your SNAP Quest Card at your favorite farmers market. Program of Pinnacle Prevention.

Flagstaff Family Food Center: Food Bank and Kitchen has a number of programs, including a Food Box Program (Tuesday through Saturday from 9:00 am until 1:00 pm) where Flagstaff residents with proof of residency (utility bill, lease agreement) and photo identification can receive food boxes twice per month as supplies allow at their location at 3805 Huntington Drive, Flagstaff, AZ 86004). They also serve a free hot meal daily from 4:00 pm until 5:30 pm and provide sack lunches daily from 10:00 am until 2:00 pm at their Food Kitchen location at 1903 North 2nd Street, Flagstaff, AZ 86004). Contact them at (928) 526-2211. Website

St. Mary’s Food Bank distributes food boxes at 201 E. Birch Street, Suite 14 Flagstaff, AZ 86001 on Mon.–Fri., 8 am–4 pm. Also, their trucks deliver FREE fresh produce directly to the community in an open air market-style shopping experience for individuals and families in need. Click here for more information and to see the current month’s schedule. Website

Sunshine Rescue Mission (Women and Children) (2211 E Johnson Ave, Flagstaff, AZ 86004) provides 3 meals a day (7:00 am, 12:00 pm, and 6:00 pm) in addition to food boxes and clothing Monday through Friday from 4:30 pm until 5:30 pm Contact them at (928) 774-9270 Website

Sunshine Rescue Mission (Men) (221 E Phoenix Ave, Flagstaff, AZ 86001) provides 3 meals a day (7:00 am, 12:00 pm, and 6:00 pm) in addition to food boxes and clothing Monday through Friday from 4:30 pm until 5:30 pm Contact them at (928) 774-3512 Website

Sedona Community Food Bank (680 Sunset Drive, Sedona, AZ 86336) distributes food boxes on Wednesdays from 8:30 am until noon and 4:00 pm until 6:00 pm. Website

St. Jude Food Bank (100 Aspen Drive, Tuba City, AZ 86045) distributes food boxes Mondays through Fridays from 10:00 am until 2:00 pm. Website

Salvation Army Flagstaff (507 Humphreys Street, Flagstaff 86001) has a food pantry that provides free fresh produce and canned goods. Contact them at (928) 774-1403. Website

St. Vincent de Paul Helpline provides food boxes and other services. Contact them at (928) 774-6511.

APS limited income customers may be eligible to reduce their electric bill through APS’s Energy Support Program (E-3) or Medical Care Equipment Program (E-4). Click here to learn qualifying guidelines for the Energy Support Program and click here to learn qualifying guidelines for the Medical Care Equipment Program. Website

Coconino County Community Services provides utility assistance. They have 3 locations:

  1. 2625 N. King Street, Flagstaff, AZ 86004
  2. 850 W. Grant Street, Williams, AZ 86046
  3. In Page and Fredonia, call Stacy Lucero at (928) 679-7496

Contact them at (928) 679-7496. Click here to view flier.

Catholic Charities Community Services (2101 N. 4th Street, Flagstaff, AZ 86004) provides diapers and other resources. Contact them at (928) 774-9125. Website

St. Vincent de Paul Helpline provides emergency rental and utility assistance and other services. Contact them at (928)774-6511.

CASA of Coconino County
Coconino County Juvenile Court
1001 E. Sawmill Road
Flagstaff, AZ 86001
Tel: 928.226.5422
Fax: 928.226.5455

Amber Martin (work – 928-226-5420; is the court’s CASA coordinator

Click here to request a CASA for your child in care.

Coconino CASA for Kids, Inc.
Contact: Becky Lewis (home – 928-566-9353; cell – 928-699-7316;

Individual awards for children in foster care through online application process.

C.U.D.D.L.E Outreach(842-A Vista Ave., Page, AZ 86040) provides C.U.D.D.L.E. Wellness Kits of emergency supplies (quilt, hygiene items, etc.). Contact them at (928) 645-2944. Website

Salvation Army Flagstaff (507 Humphreys Street, Flagstaff 86001) provides clothing. Contact them at (928) 774-1403. Website

Cedar Closet (2919 N. West Street, Flagstaff, AZ 86004) provides vouchers to their thrift store with a referral from another agency. Contact them at (928) 779-3029. Website

Boys and Girls Club of Flagstaff (301 S. Paseo del Flag, Flagstaff, AZ 86001) provides a number of programs for different ages as well as a summer program. There is a fee for membership, but financial aid is available. Contact them at (928) 266-0489.Website

The Maternal, Child, and Teen Health Program through Coconino County Public Health Services (2625 N. King Street, Flagstaff, AZ 86004) offers Active Parenting of Teens, for parents of teens and tweens. The classes can be catered to parent’s concerns with 2-6 sessions and include many strategies to consider bringing into the home to become a more active parent. Contact them at (928) 679-7272. Website

CPLC Parenting Arizona (201 Birch Avenue, Suite 1, Flagstaff, AZ 86001) provides school based parent programs in Flagstaff and Leupp Unified School District. Additionally, they provide family support services in Flagstaff, Tuba City and the Navajo Nation Contact them at (928) 773-9133. Website

Child & Family Support Services (1515 E. Cedar Avenue, Suite D2, Flagstaff, AZ 86004) provides counseling, family support and many other services for families. Contact them at (928) 213-2750. Website

The Literacy Center (2500 N. Rose Street, Suite 102, Flagstaff, AZ 86004) provides drop in tutoring and other services. Contact them at (928) 556-0313. Website

Yes, click here to view it.

The Assistance League in Flagstaff has a Social Services Directory for Coconino County; click here to view it.

DES’s Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) is a federally funded, statewide program that helps families meet their basic needs on a time limited basis. TANF’s programs include nutrition assistance, cash assistance, and health insurance. Website

DES ON THE GO is a mobile program that involves two sport-utility vehicles that transport Division of Benefits and Medical Eligibility (DBME) Family Assistance Administration (FAA) employees, their laptops and other equipment to remote locations in northern and southern Arizona, including Coconino County. The FAA Program Service Evaluators (PSE) set up tables and tents to assist people with applications and interviews for food and cash assistance as well as health care needs. Click here for more information about this program.

DNA-People’s Legal Services provides free legal civil services to low income people who could otherwise not afford to hire an attorney. They have 2 locations:

  1. 2323 E. Greenlaw Lane, Suite 1, Flagstaff, AZ 86004 (928) 774-0653
  2. 220 South Main Street, Tuba City, AZ 86045 (928) 283-5365


Northland Family Help Center (2532 N. 4th Street, Suite506, Flagstaff, AZ 86004) provides legal advocacy. Contact them at (928) 233-4306. Website

Navajo Nation Veterinary & Livestock Program has 4 veterinary clinics (including one in Tuba City) where they provide a number of veterinary services, including low cost rabies vaccinations. Click here to see their brochure. Website

APS limited income customers may be eligible to reduce their electric bill through APS’s Energy Support Program (E-3) or Medical Care Equipment Program (E-4). Click here to learn qualifying guidelines for the Energy Support Program and click here to learn qualifying guidelines for the Medical Care Equipment Program. Website

Southwest Gas – low income customers may qualify for assistance in paying their gas bill. Website

CASA of Gila County
1400 E. Ash Street
Globe, AZ 85501
Tel: 928-402-4427

Click here to request a CASA for your child in care.

Rim Country Arizonans for Children
1105 N. Easy St.
Payson, AZ 85541-3814
Contact: Ms. Pat Johnson
Cell: 928-978-5610
RCAC can also be reached at P.O. Box 2711; Payson, AZ 85547

Double Up Food Bucks - New Program - Double Up Food Bucks Arizona is a nutrition-based, federally funded program that helps people bring home more healthy fruits and vegetables, while also supporting Arizona farmers. The program doubles the value of SNAP (formerly food stamps) benefits used at farmers markets. Use your SNAP Quest Card at participating farmers markets and every dollar you spend is matched with an extra dollar to spend on more Arizona-grown fruits and vegetables, up to an additional $20 in free fruits and vegetables per market visit. Double Up Food Bucks Arizona is currently available at 14 farmers markets, four farm stands and 34 Fresh Express Mobile Market sites across the state.

Visit to find participating farmers markets including hours and locations or ask about Double Up Food Bucks at the information booth the next time you shop with your SNAP Quest Card at your favorite farmers market. Program of Pinnacle Prevention.

St. Vincent de Paul’s Food Bank of Payson (511 S. St. Phillips, Payson, AZ 85541) provides emergency food boxes and clothing vouchers Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays from 12:30 pm until 2:15 pm. Contact them at (928) 474-9104 Website

Community Presbyterian Church Food Pantry (800 W. Main Street, Payson, AZ 85541) provides food to residents of Rim Country on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 9:00 am until 1:00 pm and on Tuesdays from 5:15 pm until 7:15 pm. Contact them at (928) 474-2059. Website

Gila Community Food Bank (317 Hackney Avenue, Globe, AZ 85501) provides emergency food boxes Monday through Friday from 9:00 am until 12:45 pm; must meet federal poverty guidelines. Contact them at (928) 425-3639. Website

Payson Community Kids (213 S. Colcord Road, Payson, AZ 85547) provides food bags twice a week (Tuesdays and Thursdays) and provides clothing once each month. Contact them at (928) 478-7160. Website

Pine/Strawberry Food Bank (3386 AZ SR 87, Pine, AZ 85544) provides food boxes the 1st Tuesday of the month from 1:30 pm until 2:30 pm. Emergency food boxes are available upon request. Contact them at (480) 580-1189. Website

Go through the chain of command by contacting your caseworker and their supervisor. Click here for the list of DCS offices and telephone numbers. If that does not work please call the DCS Ombudsman at 602-255-2666 or email

Go through the chain of command by contacting your caseworker and their supervisor. Click here for the list of DCS offices and telephone numbers. If that does not work please call the DCS Ombudsman at (602) 364-0777 or email

Southern Arizona Legal Aid, Inc. provides free, civil legal aid to qualified low-income persons who would not otherwise have access to Arizona's civil justice system. SALA's services include legal counseling and advice concerning legal rights and responsibilities, limited services such assistance with completing legal documents, outreach, referrals, self-help clinics and representation in court and in administrative hearings. Website

Thatcher Food Distribution Center (Herb Windsor Little League Ballpark at 3200 Ballpark Drive, Thatcher, AZ ) provides food monthly the second Wednesday of each month from 9:00 am until 10:30 am. Call for eligibility and requirements. Contact them at (520) 622-0428. Website

St. Vincent de Paul (221 E. Main Street, Safford, AZ 85546) has food distribution Tuesday through Friday from 10:00 am until noon. Contact them at (928) 428-0460. Website

Angels Closet Clothing Bank and Food Pantry (425 E. 4th Street, Safford, AZ 85546) distributes clothing and food on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month from 9:00 am until noon. Contact them at (928) 348-0212. Website

Our Neighbor’s Farm and Pantry (1020 S. 10th Avenue, Safford, AZ 85546) grows fruits and vegetables in its garden and purchases from local growers to provide healthy food to those in need. They are open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:00 am until noon and 1:00 pm until 3:00 pm. Contact them at (928) 432-6984. Website

Southeastern Arizona Community Action Program (283 W. 5th Street, Safford, AZ 85546) provides financial assistance for mortgage or rent to people facing eviction, electricity, and gas payments; utility deposits; repair or replacement of appliances, and home repairs which boost energy efficiency. Contact them at (928) 428-0859. Call 1-800-293-1144 for emergency services. Website

St. Vincent de Paul (221 E. Main Street, Safford, AZ 85546) provides utility assistance on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 1:00 pm until 3:00 pm. Contact them at (928) 428-0460. Website

Boys and Girls Club of Gila Valley (805 7th Avenue, Safford, AZ 85546) has many programs for children. There is a $10 membership fee and some additional fees for various programs. Contact them at (928) 424-2100. Website

First Steps is a phone-based service for parents with an infant under 3 months of age. You can call them with any parenting questions. Contact them at (520) 458-7348.

CASA of Graham County
Graham County Courthouse
800 W. Main
Safford, AZ 85546
Phone: 928-792-5103
Fax: 928-428-5240

Click here to request a CASA for your child in care.

Southern Arizona Legal Aid, Inc. provides free, civil legal aid to qualified low-income persons who would not otherwise have access to Arizona's civil justice system. SALA's services include legal counseling and advice concerning legal rights and responsibilities, limited services such assistance with completing legal documents, outreach, referrals, self-help clinics and representation in court and in administrative hearings. Website

Southeastern Arizona Community Action Program (283 W. 5th Street, Safford, AZ 85546) provides transportation for older adults and people with disabilities to the congregate meal site, medical appointments, and shopping areas. Call (928) 428-0859.for more information. Website

Southwest Gas – low income customers may qualify for assistance in paying their gas bill. Website

Southeastern Arizona Community Action Program, Inc. (Website; for emergency services call 1-800-293-1144) provides utility and rent/mortgage assistance at the following locations:

CASA of Greenlee County
P.O. Box 1146
Clifton, AZ 85533
Phone: 928-865-2072, ext. 129
Fax: 928-865-5358

Click here to request a CASA for your child in care.

Southern Arizona Legal Aid, Inc. provides free, civil legal aid to qualified low-income persons who would not otherwise have access to Arizona's civil justice system. SALA's services include legal counseling and advice concerning legal rights and responsibilities, limited services such assistance with completing legal documents, outreach, referrals, self-help clinics and representation in court and in administrative hearings. Website

CASA of La Paz County
1316 Kofa Ave.
Parker, AZ 85344
Phone: 928-669-6188, ext. 237
Fax: 928-669-9770

Click here to request a CASA for your child in care.

APS limited income customers may be eligible to reduce their electric bill through APS’s Energy Support Program (E-3) or Medical Care Equipment Program (E-4). Click here to learn qualifying guidelines for the Energy Support Program and click here to learn qualifying guidelines for the Medical Care Equipment Program. Website

Market on the Move through the 3000 Club-For a donation of $10 in Phoenix and Tucson, and $15 in Northern Arizona you can get up to 60 lbs. of fresh produce in a farmers market like atmosphere and setup that you can share with your friends, family, neighbors or other people in need. For a schedule and locations click here.

Agua Fria Food Bank
405 E. Harrison Drive
Avondale, AZ 85323
Phone: 623-935-9135

Agua Fria Food Bank provides emergency food boxes and school uniforms (during back to school season); the food bank serves the Goodyear, Avondale, Tolleson, and Tonopah area. ID and proof of address is required. Hours of operation are Monday through Friday from 8:00 am until noon.

United Food Bank's Help Yourself Food Box Program - Through the Help Yourself Program, clients can purchase a box of food for $20 which includes a variety of fresh meats, produce & dry goods (a value of about $40). For an extra $13, you can get extra meat selections. Clients can also select from additional bonus items like bread, pastries, dairy products and deli products depending on availability. The earlier, the better the selection. Cash or Food Stamps accepted No restrictions or qualifications. 358 E. Javelina Drive, Mesa, AZ 85210, (480) 926-4897. Fridays from 8:00 am-noon, excluding holidays. Open to the public.

Double Up Food Bucks - New Program - Double Up Food Bucks Arizona is a nutrition-based, federally funded program that helps people bring home more healthy fruits and vegetables, while also supporting Arizona farmers. The program doubles the value of SNAP (formerly food stamps) benefits used at farmers markets. Use your SNAP Quest Card at participating farmers markets and every dollar you spend is matched with an extra dollar to spend on more Arizona-grown fruits and vegetables, up to an additional $20 in free fruits and vegetables per market visit. Double Up Food Bucks Arizona is currently available at 14 farmers markets, four farm stands and 34 Fresh Express Mobile Market sites across the state.

Visit to find participating farmers markets including hours and locations or ask about Double Up Food Bucks at the information booth the next time you shop with your SNAP Quest Card at your favorite farmers market. Program of Pinnacle Prevention.

Borderlands Food Bank P,O.W.W.O.W. Program operates during our produce season, typically November through August. Every week, usually on Saturdays, P.O.W.W.O.W. host sites are held in cities around Arizona. These sites are hosted by community organizations (churches, civic organizations, schools and universities.) Visit any of the P.O.W.W.O.W. sites and leave with up to 60 lbs of fresh produce, all just for a contribution of $10. Website

AZCEND’s Food Bank has emergency food boxes and supplemental food boxes for families living in Chandler and Gilbert. The Food Bank is located at 345 South California Street, Chandler, AZ 85225 and you can call AZCEND at (480) 963-1423 for more information. Website

Nourish PHX helps families meet basic needs, including food, clothing, shoes, soap, shampoo, diapers, and baby formula five days a week. Click here to see a flier (English and Spanish) about their services, location, and requirements. Website

Arizona Baptist Children’s Services’ Community Resource Centers (CRCs) distribute food and clothing. Clients can go to a CRC once a month to receive food and clothing assistance. Click here to locate the CRC closest to you. Website

FSL (Faith-Service-Life) has food pantries in Peoria and Wickenberg. Website

St. Mary’s Food Bank distributes food boxes at the following 2 locations in Maricopa County:

  1. Knight Transportation Community Services Center
    3131 W. Thomas Road
    Phoenix, AZ 85017
    Hours: Mon.–Fri. (except Wed.) 9 am–4 pm and Wed., 9 am–7 pm
  2. 13050 W. Elm Street
    Surprise, AZ 85378
    Hours: Mon. – Fri., 9 am – 4 pm

Also, their trucks deliver FREE fresh produce directly to the community in an open air market-style shopping experience for individuals and families in need. Click here for more information and to see the current month’s schedule. Website

Chandler CARE Center Food Bank (777 E. Galveston Street, Chandler, AZ 85225) provides emergency food up to twice per month for Chandler households. Every Thursday they hold a Farmers Market, offering fresh fruits, vegetables, bread and other perishable items to families in need. Website

Summer Lunch Buddies is Arizona’s campaign for the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP). The SFSP is a federally-funded child nutrition program that ensures free nutritious meals are available for children and teens ages 18 and younger while school is out of session. Click here to use an interactive map to locate a site near you. Website

Friendly House's Emergency Support Services Program (113 West Sherman Street, Phoenix, AZ 85003) assists low-income families, seniors and homeless individuals to help stabilize their personal and home environments through emergency relief. The Emergency Services Coordinator meets with each individual or family to conduct an intake assessment and design a plan to address their specific needs. Services include food boxes, hygiene boxes, and utilities/rental assistance. Website

Society of St. Vincent de Paul provides food boxes, thrift store gift cards, utility bill and rent assistance through their community food pantries, which are based out of Catholic churches. Each one responds to needs within its neighborhood. Click here to find the food pantry that serves your neighborhood; type in your address in the search bar and the Google Map will show you the pantry service boundaries, hours and phone number. Website

Paz de Cristo (424 W. Broadway Road, Mesa, AZ 85210) provides a number of services including: evening meal service at 5:30 pm, food box distribution the 1st & 2nd Tuesday & 4th Saturday of each month, clothing at 3:00 pm on each Tuesday, AZ ID vouchers 1:00 pm each Tuesday, showers from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm each Wednesday, birth certificates at 10:00 am each Wednesday, mail service, jobs program and bus passes for medical appointments. They also provide community referrals to housing and medical care, and offer preparation for meaningful work. Website

Matthew's Crossing Food Bank (1368 North Arizona Avenue, Chandler, AZ 85225) provides assistance for individuals and families in need in the East Valley area; they are currently addressing needs associated with hunger. The Food Box Program is once a month (plus pet food if available)-please bring photo ID, Holiday Food Bag Program for a limited number of individuals, and limited personal hygiene items. Hours are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm and Wednesday 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm. Website

Extended Hands Food Bank (16548 East Laser Drive #6, Fountain Hills, AZ 85268) provides food boxes for families living in the following zip codes: 85250, 85255, 85258, 85259, 85260, 85263, 85264, 85268, and 85269. Their hours of operation are Mondays, Fridays, and Saturdays from 9:00 am until 11:00 am and Tuesdays from 3:00 pm until 6:00 pm. Website

All Faith Community Services’ Food Bank and Resource Center has emergency food boxes and emergency baby boxes for low-income families in the Buckeye area. They have 2 locations: 214 South 5th Street, Buckeye, AZ 85326 and 618 South Litchfield Road, Building B, Goodyear, AZ 85338. Website

Tempe Community Action Agency’s Food Pantry (The Norton and Ramsey Center, 2146 E. Apache Blvd., Tempe, AZ 85281) provides emergency food boxes for the following zip codes: 85280; 85281; 85282; 85283; 85284; 85285; 85287; 85268; and 85269. They are open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to noon and on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Website

Casa de Amor Baptist Center (819 South MacDonald Street, Mesa, AZ 85205) provides food and clothing and other items as they are available to the community Mondays through Wednesdays from 9:00 am until 12:00 pm. Contact them at 480-464-2877.

Apache Junction Food Bank (575 North Idaho Road, Suite 701, Apache Junction, AZ 85119) can provide a food box for 3-5 days of food each month if you meet certain criteria (click here to see service area, income criteria, and identification requirements). Hours of operation are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 2:00 PM until 4:00 PM. Website

Harvest Compassion Center has 2 locations where you can get free food, hygiene items, baby items, and clothing once every 30 days. No appointment is necessary. Please bring two forms of ID (for example, a driver’s license and a utility bill/lease agreement) and arrive at least 15 minutes before closing time. Website

  1. HCC Phoenix (4744 East Thunderbird Road, Suite 9, Phoenix, AZ 80532; at Tatum and East Thunderbird, directly behind Spencer’s TV & Appliance Store) is open Mondays and Wednesdays from 9 am until 11:30 am and Saturdays from 1 pm until 4:30 pm. Call them at (602) 788-2444.
  2. HCC Maryvale (4002 North 67th Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85033 (cross streets 67th Avenue and Indian School, in same parking lot as Peter Piper Pizza) is open Tuesdays and Fridays from 9 am until 11:30 am. Call them at (623) 247-0039.

APS limited income customers may be eligible to reduce their electric bill through APS’s Energy Support Program (E-3) or Medical Care Equipment Program (E-4). Click here to learn qualifying guidelines for the Energy Support Program and click here to learn qualifying guidelines for the Medical Care Equipment Program. Website

Southwest Gas – low income customers may qualify for assistance in paying their gas bill. Website

Arizonans for Children, Inc.
Phone: 480-838-0085

AFC works primarily in Maricopa County, but will help children from other counties from time to time. Services include: Birthday and Holiday gifts, Admission tickets to local events, Annual Train park Picnic, tutor/mentor program, LifeBooks.

Arizona Helping Hands
3110 E. Thunderbird Road, Suite 100
Phoenix, AZ 85032
Phone: 480-889-0604

Provides licensed and unlicensed kinship foster families throughout Arizona with twin beds, cribs, clothing, diapers, holiday and birthday packages, and school supplies and backpacks. Children must have a Notice to Provider from DCS. Service is by appointment only. Residents of other counties willing to travel to Maricopa County may also receive services.

Phoenix Children’s Hospital holds free Car Seat Safety Classes in English and Spanish for expectant parents and parents with children infant to 8 years of age. Age appropriate car seats (1 per child) are available at the end of the class to all participants except licensed foster parents. Click here for more information. Call 602-933-3350 to register for a class. Website

Phoenix Children’s Hospital also has a Cribs for Kids program where eligible families with an infant less than 6 months old and who weighs less than 20 pounds can attend a free 1 hour Safe Sleep Training and receive a free Pack ‘n Play. Call 602-933-3393.Click here for more information. Website

A Mighty Change of Heart's "My Duffel" program provides personalized duffle bags with the child’s name embroidered on them. Each bag contains gender and age appropriate clothing and shoes, bedding, school supplies, and personal hygiene items. The program is designed for those children entering the foster care system for the first time and works best when these children can receive a duffel bag within their first 30-60 days. Website

Bob’s Free Bikes (17300 East Calaveras Avenue, Fountain Hills, AZ 85268) provides free refurbished bikes to children ages 5-17. Website

Harvest Compassion Center has 2 locations where you can get free food, hygiene items, baby items, and clothing once every 30 days. No appointment is necessary. Please bring two forms of ID (for example, a driver’s license and a utility bill/lease agreement) and arrive at least 15 minutes before closing time. Website

  1. HCC Phoenix (4744 East Thunderbird Road, Suite 9, Phoenix, AZ 80532; at Tatum and East Thunderbird, directly behind Spencer’s TV & Appliance Store) is open Mondays and Wednesdays from 9 am until 11:30 am and Saturdays from 1 pm until 4:30 pm. Call them at (602) 788-2444.
  2. HCC Maryvale (4002 North 67th Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85033 (cross streets 67th Avenue and Indian School, in same parking lot as Peter Piper Pizza) is open Tuesdays and Fridays from 9 am until 11:30 am. Call them at (623) 247-0039.

The Cinderella Affair
East Valley Women’s League
Contact: Traci Estenson

The Cinderella Affair is an all-volunteer project supported by East Valley Women’s League; it provides high school juniors and seniors new and gently-used formal wear absolutely free. They deal mostly with girls’ clothing, shoes and jewelry but will help with some items for boys.

Helen’s Hope Chest
126 East University Drive
Mesa, AZ 85201
Phone: 480-969-5411

Provides goods to/for children in foster care or in kinship care (and to biological children of the same families) including: clothing; children’s books; diapers; toys and games (including batteries and gift certificates for teens); sports equipment; hygiene product; blankets (but not mattresses or beds); and school supplies. Recipients will be expected to provide either a Notice to Provider (for children in foster care) or a kinship number (for children in kinship care but not foster care; available from a kinship partnering program).

Jose’s Closet
Superstition Mountain Elementary School
550 S. Ironwood Dr., Suite 1
Apache Junction, AZ 85120
Phone: 480-309-1743
Contact: Wendy Esquibel; 480-313-8796;

Jose’s Closet supplies foster, adoptive, and kinship families with clothes, strollers, school backpacks, toys, formula, diapers, and much more. There is a small annual membership fee for Jose’s Closet that covers ALL children in the home. They also charge a small fee for some disposable items (like diapers and formula) because they are in high demand and sometimes need to be purchased to supplement donations.

Agua Fria Food Bank
405 E. Harrison Drive
Avondale, AZ 85323
Phone: 623-935-9135

Agua Fria Food Bank provides emergency food boxes and school uniforms (during back to school season); the food bank serves the Goodyear, Avondale, Tolleson, and Tonopah area. ID and proof of address is required. Hours of operation are Monday through Friday from 8:00 am until noon.

Nourish PHX helps families meet basic needs, including food, clothing, shoes, soap, shampoo, diapers, and baby formula five days a week. Click here to see a flier (English and Spanish) about their services, location, and requirements. Website

Arizona Baptist Children’s Services’ Community Resource Centers (CRCs) distribute food and clothing. Clients can go to a CRC once a month to receive food and clothing assistance. Click here to locate the CRC closest to you. Website

Threadz: Teen Resource Centers (Tempe High School, 1730 S. Mill Avenue, Tempe, AZ 85282 and Marcos de Niza High School, 6000 S. Lakeshore Drive, Tempe, AZ 85283) - Middle-school and high school students in need in the Tempe and Kyrene districts (school ID required) are invited to Threadz and Threadz 2, places that offers clothing, shoes, purses, toiletries and school supplies. All items are free. Threadz is located in the “T” Building at Tempe High School (off of the Broadway Road parking lot, far west end). Threadz 2 is located at Marcos de Niza High School at the north end of the main gym entrance. Both locations are open during the school year on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:00 pm until 4:30 pm. Website

Harvest Compassion Center has 2 locations where you can get free food, hygiene items, baby items, and clothing once every 30 days. No appointment is necessary. Please bring two forms of ID (for example, a driver’s license and a utility bill/lease agreement) and arrive at least 15 minutes before closing time. Website

  1. HCC Phoenix (4744 East Thunderbird Road, Suite 9, Phoenix, AZ 80532; at Tatum and East Thunderbird, directly behind Spencer’s TV & Appliance Store) is open Mondays and Wednesdays from 9 am until 11:30 am and Saturdays from 1 pm until 4:30 pm. Call them at (602) 788-2444.
  2. HCC Maryvale (4002 North 67th Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85033 (cross streets 67th Avenue and Indian School, in same parking lot as Peter Piper Pizza) is open Tuesdays and Fridays from 9 am until 11:30 am. Call them at (623) 247-0039.

One Small Step's Clothes Cabin (710 North Cooper Road; Gilbert, AZ 85233) has free, quality clothing, hygiene items, shoes, and basic linens for anyone in need. People can go to the cabin once every 3 months if needed and receive 8-10 articles of clothing per person. No appointments are needed and their hours of operation are Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 9:00 am until 3:00 pm and Thursdays from 6:00 pm until 8:00 pm. A photo ID is required and children are not permitted in the shopping area. Website

Arizona Kinship Support Services
7910 W. Thomas Rd., Suite 103
Phoenix, AZ 85033
Phone: 480-748-9269

Provides contact information for resources for education, employment, housing, respite, respite vouchers, financial and legal services, and other benefits.

Family Involvement Center

5333 N.7th Street A-100
Phoenix, AZ 85014
Phone: 602-412-4095
Fax: 602-288-0156

8766 E. State Route 66, Suite G
Prescott Valley, CA 86314
Phone: 928-379-5077; 877-568-8468
Contact: Trish Riner, Program Manager;

Family Involvement Center provides a variety of classes and support groups for parents/caregivers and youth in Phoenix and Northern Arizona. Most services are offered in both English and Spanish.

Their Parent Assessment Center (PAC) offers telephone (or walk-in) support in English and Spanish, Monday through Friday, from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm, except on holidays. PAC is staffed by parents, called Parent Partners, who have raised or are currently raising children with emotional, physical, and behavioral health care needs. PAC's Parent Partners provide support and helpful information, discuss options, offer encouragement, and inspire hope. They listen and help parents face challenges and find solutions that will meet the needs of their child and family. You can contact their PAC by calling 602-288-0155 or 877-568-8468 or emailing

Child Crisis Arizona
817 N. Country Club Drive
Mesa, AZ 85201
Phone: 480-834-9424
Fax: 480-834-9340

Child Crisis Arizona provides services for children in foster care/foster families and kinship families including: children’s self-development – play groups, character building classes, classes for children 8-11 dealing with family changes, and other children’s classes; anger management for the family – temper/anger management classes for children and anger management classes related to parents; parenting skills classes; special topic classes and workshops. Some classes and workshops are offered in Spanish. There are no fees, but some classes require the purchase of a workbook. Registration is required.

Child Crisis Arizona also provides support in legal clinics, kinship support groups, free family activities, navigation through community resources (i.e. clothing, food, housing, utilities, etc.), and assistance with identifying aid through DES Family Assistance. Visit their website for additional information.

New Pathways for Youth connects youth ages 9 to 21 with caring and dedicated adult mentors to help these youth reach their greatest possible potential. The curriculum involves intentional programs through which youth, with the support of their mentors, acquire and effectively apply knowledge, attitudes, and skills. Their community center is located in the Garfield community and they work with youth from the greater Phoenix area. New Pathways for Youth also has a free after school and summer program at their community center that includes daily homework help, reading and academic support (including access to computer technology), arts and crafts, fitness and recreational sports activities, and daily nutrition (including snacks, hot meals, and non-perishable food packs for the weekend). New Pathways for Youth also has monthly parenting workshops (in English and Spanish) for the caregivers of youth enrolled in the program.

10000 North 3rd Avenue, Suite D200
Phoenix, AZ 85051
Phone: 602-274-5022
Fax: 602-274-6793

Duet offers support and assistance to grandparents who are raising their grandchildren. They have support groups, workshops, group activities, respite assistance, legal guidance, and information and referrals.

Grandfamilies Place (5150 S. 18th Place, Phoenix, AZ 85040) hosts a Grandparent’s Support Group in their Clubhouse that provides grandparent caregivers an interactive opportunity to share and support one another. Meets the 1st Saturday of every month from 10:30AM-11:30AM. Website

***Please visit our Event Calendar for listings of specific trainings/workshops/classes.***

Southwest Human Development (2850 North 24th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85008) has a free class called “Trauma-Informed Care: Understanding the Impact of Trauma on Children (0-5)” that meets the second Saturday (9:00 am – 12 pm) and the third Thursday (6:00 pm – 9:00 pm) of each month. Click here for more information about the class, how to register, etc.

Child Crisis Arizona offers parenting classes and workshops at a number of locations on a variety of topics. Click here for more information.

Family Involvement Center (5333 North 7th Street, Suite A-100, Phoenix, AZ 85014) has trainings on a number of topics. Click here for more information.

Duet (10000 North 31st Avenue, Suite D200, Phoenix, AZ 85051) offers workshops for grandparents raising grandchildren. Click here for more information.

Mercy Maricopa Integrated Care offers trainings at different locations on a number of topics. Click here for more information.

Human Resource Training (HRT) (1951 West Camelback Road, Suite 450, Phoenix, AZ 85015) offers trainings on different topics. Click here for more information.

Phoenix Public Library offers classes at their various locations. Click here for more information.

Maricopa County Library District offers classes at their various locations. Click here for more information.

Arizona’s Children Association (various locations) offers trainings on a variety of topics. Click here for more information.

Thrive to Five (5 school based Family Resource Center locations in Tempe) offers free classes to parents and caregivers of children age birth to 5. Their mission is to help families prepare children for success in school. Click here for more information.

Arizona Facts of Life (Phoenix) offers Active Parenting for parents of teenagers ages 11-17. Click here for more information.

Southwest Family Advocacy Center (2333 North Pebble Creek Parkway, Suite A-200, Goodyear, AZ 85395) offers trainings (in-person and online). Click here for more information.

The following school districts offer trainings on a variety of topics:
Buckeye Elementary School District - Family Resource Center
Cartwright School District – Family Welcome Center
Chandler Unified School District – Parenting Classes
Gilbert Public Schools – Parent University
Mesa Public Schools – Parent University
Murphy Elementary School District – Education and Health Center
Osborn School District – Parent Academy
Pendergast Elementary School District – Family Resource Center
Peoria Unified School District – Family Resource Centers
Roosevelt Elementary School District – Early Childhood Family Resource Center
Wilson Elementary School District – Wilson Community Center

Hope and a Future, Inc. Phone: 602-258-5860 Website:

Royal Family Kids Camp – A one-week summer camp experience for children ages 7-11.

Teen Reach Adventure Camp – A summer camp for foster children from 12 to 15 years old, offering fun, character-building activities, and outdoor recreation from horseback riding to low-level challenge courses.

Life 360 – A life skills mentoring program for Arizona foster children who are at least 12 years old and builds on the successful relationships established during our summer camp programs. The program focuses on basic skills like money management, household management, planning for college, budgeting, interviewing for jobs, job skills, nutrition, and meal planning.

John S. Brewer Memorial Scholarship Fund – Created to help any foster child through ongoing educational assistance, career training, and college scholarships. The John S. Brewer Memorial Scholarship Fund provides assistance for high school tutoring, vocational training, college tuition, and housing assistance while in college. Click here for the application.

J.U.G. (Just Us Girls) Nation Jewels Youth Program is a program for teen girls ages 12-18 who could benefit from a transformational mentoring experience where they can develop, grow and gain resources that will prepare them for life as a young adult. There is a registration process for the year-long program and financial assistance is available to help offset registration fees.

The Phoenix Police Department’s Police Cadets Program for Youth is for career-oriented young adults aged 14 through 21. This successful program is designed to educate and involve young men and women in police operations and to interest them in law enforcement functions whether they enter the law enforcement field or not. As a Police Cadet, young adults have the opportunity to assist the Phoenix Police Department. Police Cadets can broaden their understanding and firsthand knowledge of the challenges and job skills that make up their community's police service. In addition to gaining a working knowledge of police work, the participants have the opportunity to give of themselves to their community. Police Cadets are volunteers and do not serve as police employees, sworn or civilian. Click here for more information

New Pathways for Youth connects youth ages 9 to 21 with caring and dedicated adult mentors to help these youth reach their greatest possible potential. The curriculum involves intentional programs through which youth, with the support of their mentors, acquire and effectively apply knowledge, attitudes, and skills. Their community center is located in the Garfield community and they work with youth from the greater Phoenix area. New Pathways for Youth also has a free after school and summer program at their community center that includes daily homework help, reading and academic support (including access to computer technology), arts and crafts, fitness and recreational sports activities, and daily nutrition (including snacks, hot meals, and non-perishable food packs for the weekend). New Pathways for Youth also has monthly parenting workshops (in English and Spanish) for the caregivers of youth enrolled in the program.

Youth Creating Change is a group for and about young adults ages 12-17 focused on developing leadership skills and empowering youth to make positive changes in their community in collaboration with their peers. No child watch. For more information, contact the Parent Assistance Center at 602-288-0155 or at The group meets at the Family Involvement Center (5333 North 7th Street, Suite A-100, Phoenix 85014) the second Wednesday of each month from 5:00 to 7:30 pm. Website

Future Stars (Phoenix) was created to help students between the ages of 6 and 15 reach their full potential in academics and athletics. The organization supports students with mentoring, financial awareness, training, and school-related resources that are often stumbling block for school advancement. The organization primarily serves underprivileged students who have been identified by school officials as inner city and those students who have a desire to learn computer technology and/or a desire to play intercollegiate sports. Qualifying students will receive an Educational/Individual Life Plan (EILP) that will be specifically created to meet their needs. A mentor will work with the student on a regular basis to ensure that realistic goals are set and met within the scheduled time frame. Website

ICAN (650 E. Morales Street, Chandler, AZ 85225) provides free, comprehensive after school and summer programs that empower youth (K-12) to be productive, self-confident, and responsible members of the community. Transportation is provided from 10 local schools. Website

The Salvation Army Kroc Center in Phoenix is a place where “Everything Is Possible.” The 144,000 square feet of the building, located on 16 acres, hosts Arizona’s largest indoor water park, three NBA regulation-sized basketball courts, Fitness Center, Library and 325-seat theater. They have classes for all members of the family. All are invited to visit or join for the opportunity to discover, grow and serve! Website

Ocotillo Library & Workforce Literacy Center (102 West Southern Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona 85041) has a variety of activities for all family members including computer classes, employment assistance, STEM activities, coding classes, and family story time. Website

The Healing Post: Horses Helping Humans (The Bridge United Methodist Church, 4900 East Thomas Road, Phoenix, AZ 85018) serves participants through weekly therapeutic sessions of guided interactions with horses. Pony Power is their equine empowerment program for children and teens in the Arizona foster care system. Website

Rosie’s House (1875 North Central Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85004) has a year-round music academy with professional musicians for low-income inner-city children between the ages of 5-18 who have a serious interest in music. Website

Fresh Start Women’s Foundation Girls Thriving (1130 East McDowell Road, Phoenix, AZ 85006) is a program aimed at increasing a teenage girl’s ability to make safe, healthy choices and helping her to thrive academically and socially. Website

one-in-ten (locations in Phoenix, Mesa, West Valley, Scottsdale, Tempe, and Queen Creek) offers activities and a safe environment to lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and questioning youth between the ages of 14-22. The group encourages positive self-acceptance, healthy living, social networking, and leadership skills. Discussion groups are conducted, and volunteers in a supervised setting may work with youth one-to-one. Website

The First Tee of Phoenix (15 locations in Maricopa County) is a youth development program that teaches children between the ages of 7-17 nine core life value skills using the game golf as their teaching tool. Website

Dysart Community Center (14414 North El Mirage Road, El Mirage, AZ 85335) provides a summer program for children ages 5-15, an after school program, and teen arts and action program. Website

Be A Leader Foundation: College Preparation for Youth - This free program provides a positive learning environment and a college-focused mentality for 7th-12th graders to develop their high school and college educational plan. Various locations. Website

The First Star, Arizona State University Academy is a free, comprehensive four-year college access program that aims to provide youth in foster care and group homes the academic support, enrichment and resources needed to enroll and succeed in a university setting. The program engages high school students in a variety of fun and active learning opportunities that include: a 3-week residential summer experience; academic courses for college credit; independent studies, social and cultural activities; field trips; service learning; recreational activities; individual support during the academic year through monthly Saturday Academies education advocacy; and caregiver workshops. Website

Boys and Girls Clubs (many locations) offer affordable after-school and summer programs for 27,000+ young people in grades K-12. The annual membership fee of $30 is waiver for foster children, but each location has monthly dues that are determined according to a level system, with foster children being included in the level with the lowest rate. Website

The Jerome E. Miller (JEM) Summer Leadership Academy is a one-week opportunity for high school Juniors and Seniors who are interested in a career in Public Service. This memorial program seeks to fulfill the legacy of the former Deputy City Manager, Jerome E. Miller, by incorporating mentorship and education with exposure to local government, with the goal of diversifying the pipeline of public servants. Take part in this week-long leadership program to earn one college credit, learn about college, and take part in a job-shadowing program with the City of Phoenix.

  • Must be a Junior or Senior in high school for the 2018-2019 academic year.
  • Must reside in the city of Phoenix.
  • Must be available to participate from Monday, July 16th to Friday, July 20th, from 9:30 a.m to 4:30 p.m. each day.
  • Must submit an application by the deadline date: Friday, May 25, 2018 at 5:00 p.m.

Apply HERE by the May 25th deadline. For a downloadable copy of the full application click HERE. You can also find the full flyer with information HERE. The application can be submitted via email to or in person on the 19th Floor of Phoenix City Hall. For more info, please call 602-261-8847 or email or

AMC Theaters are proud to partner with the Autism Society to offer unique movie showings where we turn the lights up, and turn the sound down, so you can get up, dance, walk, shout or sing! Their Sensory Friendly Film program is available on the second and fourth Saturday (family-friendly) and Tuesday evenings (mature audiences) of every month. Click here to locate a theater near you.

Chuck E. Cheese hosts Sensory Sensitive Sundays on the first Sunday of every month from 9:00 am until 11:00 am. There will still be games and pizza, but you can also expect less people, no music or shows, dimmed lighting, and limited mouse mascot appearances. Click here to locate a restaurant near you.

Yes, SWIM Kids AZ teaches infants from 2 to 7 months old how to swim.

Arizonans for Children in partnership with Take Charge America offers free classes in Financial Literacy and Aging Out.  These interactive classes teach youths not only to budget money but how to apply for a job, write a compelling resume, excel at an interview and apply for college funding. Classes are for youth 11 to 18 years old and are taught throughout Maricopa County.

The Lend a Hand loan program pays off high-cost car title loans up to $3,000 for Maricopa County residents. The program is a partnership between the Arizona Community Foundation, MariSol Federal Credit Union, and Take Charge America. The goal of the program is to rescue residents struggling to pay off car title loans and help put them on a path to healthy credit and financial success. For more information, Click here to view a brochure and application in English. Click here to view a brochure and application in Spanish. Website

Southwest Human Development’s Parent Partners Plus has free and voluntary in-home visitation programs serving families who are pregnant or have a child 5 and under in Maricopa County. Programs focus on child development, parenting skills, and community resources for families. Website

Child Crisis Arizona has a free in-home visitation program for families in Gilbert, Mesa and Queen Creek, who are expecting or have children birth to 5. Home Visitation offers parent-child activities, developmental, vision and hearing screenings, assistance connecting to resources in the community, and additional support to parents to help ensure children are prepared for school before they enter kindergarten. Website

The Arizona Partnership for Children’s Parents as Teachers is a free home visiting program for pregnant women and families with children 0-5 years of age. The program’s vision is that all children will learn, grow, and develop to realize their full potential. All prospective parents and parents with a child birth to age 5 are eligible for the program if they live in the following cities: Mesa, Gilbert, Higley, Queen Creek, Ahwatukee, Carefree, Cave Creek, Chandler, Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation, Fountain Hills, Guadalupe, Paradise Valley, Rio Verde, Scottsdale, and Tempe. Website

Child and Family Resources: Building Bright Futures is a free in-home family support and parenting education program using the Parents as Teachers curriculum that helps participants increase their knowledge of early childhood development and gain positive parenting techniques, provides early detection of developmental delays, and increases children’s school readiness and success. Serves families who are pregnant or parenting a child birth to 5-years-old. Locations based on zip code. Website

Community Legal Services, Inc. provides high-quality legal advice, advocacy and assistance in many areas (including housing, employment, health care, etc.) to low-income Arizonans. For more information, please go to their website at Click here to see their information brochure.

Arizona Justice Center (Glendale, AZ) is a faith-based, non-profit organization that provides a variety of services for people in need, including pro-bono (free) legal counseling. Website

Sun City Community Assistance Network (CAN) (10195 West Coggins Drive, Sun City, AZ 85351) provides free legal advice on taxes and other topics. Website

Family Involvement Center’s Parent-to-Parent Support Services Program can provide short-term, one-on-one support for families with children receiving behavioral health services. Services are offered in Maricopa County.

NAMI Basics is a free, educational program designed for parents and other family caregivers of children and adolescents with emotional and behavioral difficulties. NAMI Basics helps parents and other family caregivers to understand the illnesses that are causing those behavioral difficulties, and the critical role families play in the treatment of those illnesses. The program is taught by trained teachers who are also the parents or family caregivers of individuals who experienced emotional or behavioral difficulties prior to age 13. NAMI Basics is taught at various locations, including Scottsdale, Central Phoenix, Paradise Valley, and West Mesa. Website

CASA of Maricopa County
Phone: 602-506-4083

Click here to request a CASA for your child in care.

AZCEND has numerous programs to help families living in Chandler and Gilbert, including a food bank, a family resource center, and a community action program (financial education, referrals to other services and programs, emergency financial assistance, utility assistance, eviction prevention, housing referrals, etc.) Website

Phoenix Indian Center provides many adult, youth, family, community and cultural enrichment services for Native American community members. Some of their services include classes, a mentor program, and cultural events. Website

Native Health has many programs to support families including Health Start (families with children under age 2) and Home Visiting (families with children 0-5). Website

Child Crisis Arizona has Family Activities for all ages. Click here, and then select “Family Activities Schedule.”

Family Learning Centers (FLC) offer free classes in English and Spanish on a number of topics, including car seat safety, Bike Helmet Give-A-Way, and discipline. They have 4 locations:

  • FLC at Chandler Family Health Center
    811 S. Hamilton Street
    Chandler, AZ 85225
  • FLC at Comprehensive Healthcare Center
    2525 E. Roosevelt Street, 2nd Floor
    Phoenix, AZ 85008
  • FLC at Maryvale Family Health Center
    4011 N. 51st Avenue
    Phoenix, AZ 85031
  • FLC at South Central Family Health Center
    33 W. Tamarisk Street
    Phoenix, AZ 85041

Southwest Autism Research & Resource Center (SARRC) provides many resources, including education, training, and consultation, for families caring for a child with an autism spectrum disorder. They also have a monthly Grandparents Group that focuses on educating, empowering and supporting grandparents of children with autism. Website

Sharing Down Syndrome Arizona educates and empowers, but especially give hopes to individuals who have Down syndrome so they may grow up to become independent self-advocates. They provide many services, including support groups, play groups, and free New Parent Gift Packages. Website

Friendly House's Emergency Support Services Program (113 West Sherman Street, Phoenix, AZ 85003) assists low-income families, seniors and homeless individuals to help stabilize their personal and home environments through emergency relief. The Emergency Services Coordinator meets with each individual or family to conduct an intake assessment and design a plan to address their specific needs. Services include food boxes, hygiene boxes, and utilities/rental assistance. Website

Society of St. Vincent de Paul provides food boxes, thrift store gift cards, utility bill and rent assistance through their community food pantries, which are based out of Catholic churches. Each one responds to needs within its neighborhood. Click here to find the food pantry that serves your neighborhood; type in your address in the search bar and the Google Map will show you the pantry service boundaries, hours and phone number. Website

Vista del Camino Community Center (7700 East Roosevelt Street, Scottsdale, AZ 85257) provides a variety of services to Scottsdale residents to prevent homelessness, meet the basic needs of individuals and families in crisis, relieve economic and emotional stress and assist individuals to maintain self-sufficiency. Services include food boxes, rent and utility assistance, and a career/job readiness program. Website

Tolleson’s Community Action Program (Esther Angulo Community Center, 9555 West Van Buren Street, Tolleson, AZ 85353) provides rental and utility assistance for Tolleson residents. Website

Paz de Cristo (424 W. Broadway Road, Mesa, AZ 85210) provides a number of services including: evening meal service at 5:30 pm, food box distribution the 1st & 2nd Tuesday & 4th Saturday of each month, clothing at 3:00 pm on each Tuesday, AZ ID vouchers 1:00 pm each Tuesday, showers from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm each Wednesday, birth certificates at 10:00 am each Wednesday, mail service, jobs program and bus passes for medical appointments. They also provide community referrals to housing and medical care, and offer preparation for meaningful work. Website

Tempe Community Action Agency (The Norton and Ramsey Center, 2146 E. Apache Blvd., Tempe, AZ 85281) has limited financial assistance to help with rent and utility bills for the following zip codes: 85280; 85281; 85282; 85283; 85284; 85285; 85287; 85268; and 85269. For utility payment assistance, call 480-422-8922 on Thursdays at 8 a.m. for screening. For rental assistance, call 480-422-8922 on the first Friday of the month at 8 a.m. Website

The Furniture Bank is a Phoenix-based charity that assists the less fortunate moving into housing by providing furniture and household items. Recipients are required to participate financially to receive furniture (including paying a portion of the moving fee) and must use The Furniture Bank’s contracted pre-approved moving company. Website

MesaCAN (Community Action Network) (The Pat Gilbert Center, 635 East Broadway, Mesa, AZ 85204) serves low-income Mesa residents by meeting their immediate needs and providing programs and support, including rent and utility assistance, and career services. Website

Mercy Housing provides and manages several apartment complexes for people with disabilities, low-income individuals, families, and seniors in Avondale, El Mirage, Phoenix, Tolleson, Gilbert and other Valley locations. Their website lists all available properties. Call the property to apply and a Mercy representative will help in the application process. Note that many properties have a long waiting list. Website

Maricopa County offers multiple types of assistance for income-eligible homeowners with home improvement, minor repairs, major rehabilitation, and energy efficiency services. Some programs may require forgivable liens (no payments or interest) to be placed upon the home. Website

Tanner Community Development Corporation’s Emergency Assistance Program (700 E. Jefferson Street, Suite 200, Phoenix, AZ 85034) provides help to families experiencing emergency situations with Southwest Gas, APS, and with utility deposits. Applications may be picked up at any time (10AM-4PM). Call the office at 602-253-6904 for appointments Monday-Wednesday between 10AM-1PM. Website

DES’s Short Term Crisis Services (STCS) contracts with Community Action Agencies around the Valley to provide temporary help to low-income households experiencing an emergency situation. There could be a waiting list. Website

The City of Phoenix’s 3 Family Services Centers provide many social services designed to promote individual and family self-sufficiency. Their services include: information and referral, financial education, emergency financial assistance, job training referrals, social and life-skills development, client advocacy and supportive counseling. If you are a City of Phoenix resident or pay a City of Phoenix water bill you may contact any of the Family Services Centers to schedule an appointment. Appointments are made only by phone Monday mornings at 8:00 am. Family Services Centers are operated Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. These services are offered to legal Arizona residents. Website

The City of Glendale’s Community Action Program (CAP) provides assistance for utility, rent, and mortgage bills. Please call 623-930-2460 for appointment information on utility, rent and mortgage assistance only. Appointments are limited and based on availability of funding. Website

Grandfamilies Place of Phoenix (5150 South 18th Place, Phoenix, AZ 85040) is a unique, affordable housing development tailored to the needs of seniors, specifically grandparents raising their grandchildren. A mixture of 56 two- and three-bedroom units provides safe, comfortable and affordable housing for multi-generational families. Website

Affordable Rental Movement (ARM) of Save the Family has partnered with the Town of Gilbert to provide affordable rental homes to income eligible families. Website

Reduced fares on Valley Metro local bus routes and light rail are available to youth ages 6 through 18, seniors age 65 or older, persons with a disability and Medicare card holders. Passengers must have valid proof of eligibility to use reduced fare. Click here for additional information.

The City of Tempe’s Orbit Transportation is a FREE service that uses small buses to serve residential areas and connect them to local destinations such as shopping areas, other neighborhoods, major bus routes, schools and multi-generational centers. Website

The City of Scottsdale has a free Trolley Service that operates on 4 different routes. Website

The City of Glendale has a free bus service called the Glendale Urban Shuttle (GUS) that operates on 3 different routes. Website

St. Mary’s Food Bank’s trucks deliver FREE fresh produce directly to the community in an open air market-style shopping experience for individuals and families in need. Click here for more information and to see the current month’s schedule. Website

CASA of Mohave County
P.O. Box 7000
Kingman, AZ 86402
Phone: 928-753-0790, ext. 4229
Fax: 928-753-0799

CASA of Mohave County
2001 College Drive, Suite 148
Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403
Phone: 928-453-0705, ext. 3730
Fax: 928-680-0193

Click here to request a CASA for your child in care.

CASA Council Helping Children of Mohave County
P.O. Box 6605
Kingman, AZ 86402-6605
Cell: 928-279-9314
Fax: 928-692-9677
Contact: Ron Stephan;

CASA Council Helping Children of Mohave County supports the foster children of Mohave County by providing funds to allow the children to have access to a variety of activities, including equine therapy, sports, computers, tutoring, summer camps, music lessons and instruments, martial arts classes, dance lessons, and art classes. The website includes an application form.

DES’s Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) is a federally funded, statewide program that helps families meet their basic needs on a time limited basis. TANF’s programs include nutrition assistance, cash assistance, and health insurance. Website

DES ON THE GO is a mobile program that involves two sport-utility vehicles that transport Division of Benefits and Medical Eligibility (DBME) Family Assistance Administration (FAA) employees, their laptops and other equipment to remote locations in northern and southern Arizona, including Mohave County. The FAA Program Service Evaluators (PSE) set up tables and tents to assist people with applications and interviews for food and cash assistance as well as health care needs. Click here for more information about this program.

Community Legal Services, Inc. provides high-quality legal advice, advocacy and assistance in many areas (including housing, employment, health care, etc.) to low-income Arizonans. For more information, please go to their website at Click here to see their information brochure.

CASA of Navajo County
P.O. Box 668
Holbrook, AZ 86025
Phone: 928-524-4135
Fax: 928-524-4325

Click here to request a CASA for your child in care.

Navajo County Friends of CASA
P.O. Box 1774
Show Low, AZ 85902-1774
Contact: George Turner; 928-242-3139;

Navajo County Friends of CASA:
- provides for the unmet material needs of children in foster care such as baby/youth furniture, car seats, eyeglasses/contact lens, bicycles and helmets, school supplies, clothes, etc.
- promotes self-esteem by funding sports activities, tutoring services, musical instruments and lessons, Scout uniforms, Cheerleading/Pep Squad fees, etc.
- provides enrichment opportunities through funding for camp tuition, travel expenses, school extracurricular participation fees, sports activities, special outings, etc.

DES’s Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) is a federally funded, statewide program that helps families meet their basic needs on a time limited basis. TANF’s programs include nutrition assistance, cash assistance, and health insurance. Website

DES ON THE GO is a mobile program that involves two sport-utility vehicles that transport Division of Benefits and Medical Eligibility (DBME) Family Assistance Administration (FAA) employees, their laptops and other equipment to remote locations in northern and southern Arizona, including Navajo County. The FAA Program Service Evaluators (PSE) set up tables and tents to assist people with applications and interviews for food and cash assistance as well as health care needs. Click here for more information about this program.

Go through the chain of command by contacting your caseworker and their supervisor. Click here for the list of DCS offices and telephone numbers. If that does not work please call the DCS Ombudsman at 602-255-2666 or email

Go through the chain of command by contacting your caseworker and their supervisor. Click here for the list of DCS offices and telephone numbers. If that does not work please call the DCS Ombudsman at (602) 364-0777 or email

Holbrook Emergency Food Bank (Senior Center at 216 Joy Nevin Avenue, Holbrook, AZ 86025) distributes food boxes Mondays through Thursdays from 1:00 pm until 3:00 pm and Fridays from 1:00 pm until 2:00 pm. They distribute commodities on Wednesdays (except fifth Wednesdays of the month) from 1:00 pm until 3:00 pm. Contact them at 928-524-6044.

St. Vincent de Paul’s Food Pantry (320 W. Hillview Street, Holbrook, AZ 86047) is open Mondays and Wednesdays from 9:00 am until 12:00 pm (but may be closed for holidays) and the third Saturday of the month from 12:00 pm until 2:00 pm (except on 3 day weekends). Contact them at 928-289-0146.

Southern Arizona Legal Aid, Inc. provides free, civil legal aid to qualified low-income persons who would not otherwise have access to Arizona's civil justice system. SALA's services include legal counseling and advice concerning legal rights and responsibilities, limited services such assistance with completing legal documents, outreach, referrals, self-help clinics and representation in court and in administrative hearings. Website

APS limited income customers may be eligible to reduce their electric bill through APS’s Energy Support Program (E-3) or Medical Care Equipment Program (E-4). Click here to learn qualifying guidelines for the Energy Support Program and click here to learn qualifying guidelines for the Medical Care Equipment Program. Website

Market on the Move through the 3000 Club-For a donation of $10 in Phoenix and Tucson, and $15 in Northern Arizona you can get up to 60 lbs. of fresh produce in a farmers market like atmosphere and setup that you can share with your friends, family, neighbors or other people in need. For a schedule and locations click here.

Double Up Food Bucks - New Program - Double Up Food Bucks Arizona is a nutrition-based, federally funded program that helps people bring home more healthy fruits and vegetables, while also supporting Arizona farmers. The program doubles the value of SNAP (formerly food stamps) benefits used at farmers markets. Use your SNAP Quest Card at participating farmers markets and every dollar you spend is matched with an extra dollar to spend on more Arizona-grown fruits and vegetables, up to an additional $20 in free fruits and vegetables per market visit. Double Up Food Bucks Arizona is currently available at 14 farmers markets, four farm stands and 34 Fresh Express Mobile Market sites across the state.

Visit to find participating farmers markets including hours and locations or ask about Double Up Food Bucks at the information booth the next time you shop with your SNAP Quest Card at your favorite farmers market. Program of Pinnacle Prevention.

Borderlands Food Bank P,O.W.W.O.W. Program operates during our produce season, typically November through August. Every week, usually on Saturdays, P.O.W.W.O.W. host sites are held in cities around Arizona. These sites are hosted by community organizations (churches, civic organizations, schools and universities.) Visit any of the P.O.W.W.O.W. sites and leave with up to 60 lbs of fresh produce, all just for a contribution of $10. Website

Arizona Baptist Children’s Services’ Community Resource Centers (CRCs) distribute food and clothing. Clients can go to a CRC once a month to receive food and clothing assistance. Click here to locate the CRC closest to you. Website

CASA of Pima County
Juvenile Court Center
2225 E. Ajo Way
Tucson, AZ 85713-5295
Phone: 520-724-2060
Fax: 520-724-2211

Click here to request a CASA for your child in care.

CASA Support Council for Pima County, Inc.
P.O. Box 36017
Tucson, AZ 85740
Contact: Linda Koral, President; 520-465-4425;

This CASA council provides goods and services only for children in Pima County who have CASAs. Among the things they do for foster children are the following: college scholarships; backpacks; tutoring; clothing and shoes; beds and mattresses; summer camp; refurbished computers; musical instruments; cultural experiences; and holiday parties (they hold a Christmas party for the kids, with gift cards that the CASA takes the child to buy whatever the child wants; they do the same for birthdays).

Arizona Kinship Support Services/KARE
220 E. Speedway Blvd.
Tucson, AZ 85705

The KARE Family Center provides specialized case management and other services to relatives and non-relatives caring for youth. These services include support groups for grandparents and other relatives, including groups for monolingual Spanish-speaking caregivers, educational forums on court processes such as guardianship and adoption, and referrals to community resources. As part of their work, the KARE Center hosts events for participating families that celebrate and support their success. KARE also provides support to kin raising children of incarcerated parents; information about that program can be found here.

Click here to view an informative flier about the KARE Center’s programs.

KARE Family Center (220 East Speedway Boulevard, Tucson, AZ 85705) hosts support groups for kinship and foster parents as follows:

  • 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm the 2nd and 4th Monday of the month (English)
  • 9:30 am – 11:30 am every Tuesday (English)
  • 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm the 1st and 3rd Monday of the month (Spanish)

They also host support groups for caregivers of children whose parents are incarcerated as follows:

  • 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month (English)

Childcare is provided and registration is not required. Call (520) 323-4476 for more information.

Aviva Children’s Services
153 S. Plumer Ave.
Tucson, AZ 85719
Phone: 520-327-6779

  1. The Abused Children's Fund – this is a community donations fund used for special needs of children who are in the care of DCS, primarily for after school programs but also for, e.g., basketball shoes, YMCA registration, the cost of obtaining birth certificates, prom dress and shoes, baseball, football, or basketball camp, birthday gifts, and also necessities like food, formula, diapers, shoes, cribs or beds, school supplies, and new underwear and socks (requests to utilize the Abused Children’s Fund should be made through the child’s DCS case worker).
  2. The Bags for Kids Project uses a sew-a-thon to make duffel bags for children in foster care, so foster children are not stigmatized and embarrassed by being forced to use garbage bags as luggage;
  3. The Life Book project creates an age-appropriate written story of a foster or soon-to-be adopted child's life, written for the child by Life Book volunteers with the hope that it will help the child make sense of confusing and often upsetting events that led to an out-of-home placement.
  4. Every November, ACS runs a toy drive so that foster children can receive holiday gifts (ACS also does gift cards for teenagers).
  5. The Parent Peer Support Program charges no fees and allows families to meet in a group environment to share their experiences. The support group is run entirely by the participants and is the only program of its kind in Pima County and perhaps the only one of its kind in Arizona. ACS has approximately 700 volunteers and estimates that it reaches more than 80% of the children in foster care in Pima County.

More Than a Bed
3637 N. 1st Ave.
Tucson, AZ 85719
Phone: 520-428-5280

More than a Bed's mission is support foster families and the children in their homes by providing for practical needs. They are "giving without measure" every Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 8:30am until 12:30pm where foster or adoptive families can pick up gently used or new beds, cribs, walkers, car seats, stroller, toys, furniture, and clothing at no cost. You will need to bring your Notice to Provider.

The 3000 Club in Tucson has a Computer for Kids program where qualifying 5-12th grade students can order a desktop system through their school for a donation of $20. All other requests for a desktop system are filled for between $20-$40.

Tucson Warehouse
350 S. Toole Ave.
Tucson, AZ 85701
Phone: 520-373-5256
Fax: 520-373-5130

Goodmans Interior Structures
3925 N. Business Center Drive
Tucson, AZ 85705

On the second Saturday of every month from 12:30 pm until 3:00 pm, GoodTHREADS provides clothing at no cost to foster, adoptive, and kinship families. Parents are encouraged to bring gently used, clean clothing that their children have outgrown as an exchange but this is not required.

More Than a Bed
3637 N. 1st Ave.
Tucson, AZ 85719
Phone: 520-428-5280

More Than a Bed’s mission is to support foster families and the children in their homes by providing for practical needs. They are “giving without measure” every Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 8:30 am until 12:30 pm where foster or adoptive families can pick up gently used or new beds, cribs, walkers, car seats, strollers, walkers, toys, furniture, and clothing at no cost. You will need to bring your Notice to Provider.

Arizona Baptist Children’s Services’ Community Resource Centers (CRCs) distribute food and clothing. Clients can go to a CRC once a month to receive food and clothing assistance. Click here to locate the CRC closest to you. Website

AMC Theaters are proud to partner with the Autism Society to offer unique movie showings where we turn the lights up, and turn the sound down, so you can get up, dance, walk, shout or sing! Their Sensory Friendly Film program is available on the second and fourth Saturday (family-friendly) and Tuesday evenings (mature audiences) of every month. Click here to locate a theater near you.

Chuck E. Cheese hosts Sensory Sensitive Sundays on the first Sunday of every month from 9:00 am until 11:00 am. There will still be games and pizza, but you can also expect less people, no music or shows, dimmed lighting, and limited mouse mascot appearances. Click here to locate a restaurant near you.

Pilot Parents of Southern Arizona
2600 North Wyatt Drive
Tucson, AZ 85712
Phone: 520-324-3150 or toll free 1-877-365-7220
Fax: 520-324-3152

Pilot Parents of Southern Arizona is committed to providing encouragement and support to families who have children with special needs. Available services include:

PEER TO PEER SUPPORT – matches with experienced families who can provide emotional support and practical information in areas of similar concern.

SIBLING SUPPORT – Sibshops – follows the national model of group experiences for the brothers and sisters of children with disabilities.

INFORMATION ON DISABILITIES – through “The Navigator” newsletter, they offer information on upcoming trainings, articles relating to disabilities, and updates on state and local issues.

ADVOCACY TRAINING (AZ Partners in Leadership) – a leadership training program for parents of children with disabilities and for young adults with disabilities who want to further themselves as self-advocates.

All of their programs and services are offered free of charge without regard of the child’s disabilities, age, family income, qualifying conditions or other eligibility factors. Their hours are Monday through Friday from 9:00 am until 5:00 pm.

DES’s Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) is a federally funded, statewide program that helps families meet their basic needs on a time limited basis. TANF’s programs include nutrition assistance, cash assistance, and health insurance. Website

DES ON THE GO is a mobile program that involves two sport-utility vehicles that transport Division of Benefits and Medical Eligibility (DBME) Family Assistance Administration (FAA) employees, their laptops and other equipment to remote locations in northern and southern Arizona, including Pima County. The FAA Program Service Evaluators (PSE) set up tables and tents to assist people with applications and interviews for food and cash assistance as well as health care needs. Click here for more information about this program.

Community Home Repair Projects of Arizona is committed to being a quick-response provider of emergency home repair services for low income homeowners in Tucson and Pima County. Their priority is to deal with issues that affect health or safety or that threaten the liveability of the home. Their clientele includes working families as well as elderly and disabled people on fixed incomes. Website

Arizona Housing & Prevention Services provides housing and utility assistance to low income households as well as case management and supportive services. (520) 498-4613

APS limited income customers may be eligible to reduce their electric bill through APS’s Energy Support Program (E-3) or Medical Care Equipment Program (E-4). Click here to learn qualifying guidelines for the Energy Support Program and click here to learn qualifying guidelines for the Medical Care Equipment Program. Website

Southwest Gas – low income customers may qualify for assistance in paying their gas bill. Website

Catholic Community Services’s Pio Decimo Center (Tucson) helps individuals and families make lasting, positive change in their lives through their basic services (food and clothing) and transitional living programs. Website

Southern Arizona Legal Aid, Inc. provides free, civil legal aid to qualified low-income persons who would not otherwise have access to Arizona's civil justice system. SALA's services include legal counseling and advice concerning legal rights and responsibilities, limited services such assistance with completing legal documents, outreach, referrals, self-help clinics and representation in court and in administrative hearings. Website

Market on the Move through the 3000 Club-For a donation of $10 in Phoenix and Tucson, and $15 in Northern Arizona you can get up to 60 lbs. of fresh produce in a farmers market like atmosphere and setup that you can share with your friends, family, neighbors or other people in need. For a schedule and locations click here.

Double Up Food Bucks - New Program - Double Up Food Bucks Arizona is a nutrition-based, federally funded program that helps people bring home more healthy fruits and vegetables, while also supporting Arizona farmers. The program doubles the value of SNAP (formerly food stamps) benefits used at farmers markets. Use your SNAP Quest Card at participating farmers markets and every dollar you spend is matched with an extra dollar to spend on more Arizona-grown fruits and vegetables, up to an additional $20 in free fruits and vegetables per market visit. Double Up Food Bucks Arizona is currently available at 14 farmers markets, four farm stands and 34 Fresh Express Mobile Market sites across the state.

Visit to find participating farmers markets including hours and locations or ask about Double Up Food Bucks at the information booth the next time you shop with your SNAP Quest Card at your favorite farmers market. Program of Pinnacle Prevention.

Borderlands Food Bank P,O.W.W.O.W. Program operates during our produce season, typically November through August. Every week, usually on Saturdays, P.O.W.W.O.W. host sites are held in cities around Arizona. These sites are hosted by community organizations (churches, civic organizations, schools and universities.) Visit any of the P.O.W.W.O.W. sites and leave with up to 60 lbs of fresh produce, all just for a contribution of $10. Website

Apache Junction Food Bank (575 North Idaho Road, Suite 701, Apache Junction, AZ 85119) can provide a food box for 3-5 days of food each month if you meet certain criteria (click here to see service area, income criteria, and identification requirements). Hours of operation are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 2:00 PM until 4:00 PM. Website

Arizona City-Living Hope Helping Hands (13270 South Sunland Gin Road, Arizona City, AZ 85223) has a food pantry that is available the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month. Contact them at 520-466-7255.

Casa Grande Food Bank (235 East 4th Street, Casa Grande, AZ 85122) has a food bank that is available Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 2:00 pm until 4:00 pm. Contact them at 520-836-1347.

Christ the Victor Lutheran Church (6173 East Arizona Farms Road, Florence, AZ 85132) has a food bank that is available Tuesday and Thursday from 9:00 am until 11:00 am. Website

Epic Christian Church’s Food Box Program (Compassion Care Center, 5418 East Skyline Drive, San Tan Valley, AZ 85140) operates on the 3rd Saturday of the month from 9:00 am until 11:00 am. Please bring photo ID and proof of residency. Website

First Baptist Church of Casa Grande (222 East 8th Street, Casa Grande, AZ 85122) has a food pantry on Thursdays from 9:00 am until 10:00 am. Contact them at 520-424-6558.

First United Methodist Church of Eloy (605 North Santa Cruz, Eloy, AZ 85131) has a food bank the 1st and 3rd Fridays of the month from 10:00 am until noon. Contact them at 520-466-3445.

F.O.R. Maricopa (Santa Cruz Elementary School in Tortosa, 19845 North Costa del Sol Boulevard, Maricopa, AZ 85138) distributes food on Monday and Thursday from 5:00 pm until 7:30 pm. Please bring photo ID and proof of address. Website

J.O. Combs School District Food and Clothing Bank (301 East Combs Road, San Tan Valley, AZ 85140) is open Tuesdays during the school year from 9am - 11am and 1pm - 4pm. Please bring proof of address. Website

New Beginnings Church-MASH Unit (1915 North Casa Grande Avenue, Casa Grande, AZ 85122) has a food distribution drive on the 2nd Saturday of every month from 5:00 am until 11:00 am. The church also provides emergency food boxes during the week. Website

St. George Catholic Church’s Help for the Needy (300 East 16th Avenue, Apache Junction, AZ 85119) has non-perishable food and paper products and is open Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 9:00 to 11:00 am. Please bring proof of residence within the City of Apache Junction. Website

Society of St. Vincent de Paul (405 East 2nd Street, Casa Grande, AZ 85128) has food boxes and other items and is open Monday through Friday from 9:00 am until 1:00 pm. Contact them at 520-836-2009.

Salvation Army-Apache Junction Corps (605 East Broadway Avenue, Apache Junction, AZ 85119) distributes food boxes Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 8:30 am until 11:30 am. Contact them at 480-982-4110.

Santa Cruz Valley Food Bank (109 North Sunshine Boulevard, Eloy, AZ 85131) distributes food boxes Monday and Friday from 9:00 am until 10:45 am and Wednesday from 4:00 pm until 5:45 pm. Contact them at 520-466-1112.

Superior Food Bank (99 Lobb Avenue, Superior, AZ 85173) distributes food boxes the last consecutive Thursday and Friday of the month from 3:00 pm until 4:00 pm (August from 6:00 pm until 7:00 pm). Bread and produce distribution is the 1st Wednesday and 3rd Thursday of the month from 9:00 am until the food is gone. November and December distributions take place during the week before the Holidays. Website

Tri-Community Food Bank (108 Redwood Street, Mammoth, AZ 85618) distributes food boxes Monday through Thursday and Saturday from 9:00 am until noon. Contact them at 520-487-2010.

Summer Lunch Buddies is Arizona’s campaign for the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP). The SFSP is a federally-funded child nutrition program that ensures free nutritious meals are available for children and teens ages 18 and younger while school is out of session. Click here to use an interactive map to locate a site near you. Website

Community Alliance Against Family Abuse (CAAFA) (185 North Apache Trail, #1, Apache Junction, AZ 85120) provides food boxes to all persons or families within 185% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, excluding holidays. Website

CASA of Pinal County
P.O. Box 906
Florence, AZ 85132
Phone: 520-866-7076
Fax: 520-866-7081

Click here to request a CASA for your child in care.

Pinal Council for CASA, Inc.
P.O. Box 12569
Casa Grande, AZ 85230
Contact: Karen DeBold, President; 520-560-1332;

They do prom clothing and extras, tutoring, parties at the local swim park, backpacks and school supplies, and a Christmas party for the foster children only.

Arizona Kinship Support Services/KARE
Seeds of Hope/Mondo Anaya Community Center
1487 N. Crane Street
Casa Grande, AZ 85122
Phone: 520-421-0500

The United Way of Pinal County has a Friend, Family, Neighbor - Caregivers Outreach Assistance Project (FFN-COAP) that improves the quality of care and education that children receive in unregulated child care homes. Website

Seeds of Hope hosts support groups for grandparents and other kinship foster parents at the Mondo Anaya Community Center (1487 North Crane Street, Casa Grande, AZ 85122) as follows:

  • 9:15 am – 10:45 am the 1st Wednesday of the month
  • 9:30 am – 11:00 am the 4th Monday of the month

Childcare is not provided and registration is not required. Call (520) 836-6335 for more information.

Pinal County Housing Department (970 North Eleven Mile Corner Road, Casa Grande, AZ 85194) develops and maintains public housing programs, including Section 8 housing, for individuals and families with low income. Contact them at 520-866-7201. Website

Community Action Human Resources Agency (CAHRA) (109 North Sunshine Boulevard, Eloy, AZ 85131) has services for low income individuals, including utility and rent/mortgage assistance. Contact them at 520-466-1112.

Salvation Army-Apache Junction Corps (605 East Broadway Avenue, Apache Junction, AZ 85119) has SRP/EMPOWER payment assistance. Contact them at 480-982-4110.

Tri-Community Food Bank (108 Redwood Street, Mammoth, AZ 85618) offers occasional assistance for rent and utility bill payments. Contact them at 520-487-2010.

APS limited income customers may be eligible to reduce their electric bill through APS’s Energy Support Program (E-3) or Medical Care Equipment Program (E-4). Click here to learn qualifying guidelines for the Energy Support Program and click here to learn qualifying guidelines for the Medical Care Equipment Program. Website

Southwest Gas – low income customers may qualify for assistance in paying their gas bill. Website

For a list of resources in Pinal County, click here.

Pinal Council for CASA, Inc.
P.O. Box 12569
Casa Grande, AZ 85230
Contact: Karen DeBold, President; 520-560-1332;

They do prom clothing and extras, tutoring, parties at the local swim park, backpacks and school supplies, and a Christmas party for the foster children only.

Three Precious Miracles
Phone: 520-610-2555

Three Precious Miracles provides basic needs to Native American Foster children and grandparents raising grandchildren. They will provide basic support to the children and family to help them get adjusted to their new environment when they have been removed from their home in a crisis situation. Some items that TPM will provide include clothing, diapers, shoes, blankets, toys, toiletries and cultural trainings. Specific services include care packages, culture awareness, culture sensitivity, mentorship and a support group.

Christ the Victor Lutheran Church’s Victor’s Closet (6173 East Arizona Farms Road, Florence, AZ 85132) has a clothing bank that is available Tuesday and Thursday from 9:00 am until 11:00 am. Website

J.O. Combs School District Food and Clothing Bank (301 East Combs Road, San Tan Valley, AZ 85140) is open Tuesdays during the school year from 9am - 11am and 1pm - 4pm. Please bring proof of address. Website

Society of St. Vincent de Paul (405 East 2nd Street, Casa Grande, AZ 85128) has food boxes and other items (diapers, clothing, blankets, furniture, household items, non-narcotic prescriptions, utility assistance) and is open Monday through Friday from 9:00 am until 1:00 pm. Please bring photo ID and proof of address. Contact them at (520) 836-2009.

Jose's Closet (Superstition Mountain Elementary School, 550 South Ironwood Drive Suite 1, Apache Junction, AZ 85120) supplies foster, adoptive, and kinship families with clothes, strollers, school backpacks, toys, formula, diapers, and much more. There is a small annual membership fee for Jose’s Closet that covers ALL children in the home. They also charge a small fee for some disposable items (like diapers and formula) because they are in high demand and sometimes need to be purchased to supplement donations. Website

Go through the chain of command by contacting your caseworker and their supervisor. Click here for the list of DCS offices and telephone numbers. If that does not work please call the DCS Ombudsman at 602-255-2666 or email

Go through the chain of command by contacting your caseworker and their supervisor. Click here for the list of DCS offices and telephone numbers. If that does not work please call the DCS Ombudsman at (602) 364-0777 or email

Seeds of Hope has a free After-School Program for children in K-5th grade. It follows the school calendar, meeting Monday - Friday from 3:00pm - 5:30pm at the Mondo Anaya Community Center (MACC, 1487 North Crane Street, Casa Grande, AZ 85122; on west side). Call Toni at 520-421-0500 for more information and to register your child. Website

The Salvation Army Casa Grande Corps (1333 North Center Avenue, Casa Grande, AZ 85122) has many services, including an after school homework club and tutoring. Website

Macaroni Kid is a free email newsletter, website, and blog. Each week they feature family and kid friendly activities, events and more! Website

Southern Arizona Legal Aid, Inc. provides free, civil legal aid to qualified low-income persons who would not otherwise have access to Arizona's civil justice system. SALA's services include legal counseling and advice concerning legal rights and responsibilities, limited services such assistance with completing legal documents, outreach, referrals, self-help clinics and representation in court and in administrative hearings. Website

Community Action Human Resources Agency (CAHRA) (109 North Sunshine Boulevard, Eloy, AZ 85131) has services for low income individuals, including home repair services. Contact them at 520-466-1112.

Arizona’s Children Association’s Parents as Teachers is a free home visiting program for families in Pinal County who are pregnant and/or have children birth to 5 years. It is funded through First Things First (FTF), which works to ensure that our youngest children have access to quality early child experiences so that they will start school healthy and ready to succeed. Website

Seeds of Hope hosts support groups for grandparents and other kinship foster parents at the Mondo Anaya Community Center (1487 North Crane Street, Casa Grande, AZ 85122) as follows:

  • 9:15 am – 10:45 am the 1st Wednesday of the month
  • 9:30 am – 11:00 am the 4th Monday of the month

Childcare is not provided and registration is not required. Call (520) 836-6335 for more information.

CASA of Santa Cruz County
2160 N. Congress Dr.
Nogales, AZ 85621
Phone: 520-375-7740, ext. 8159
Fax: 520-375-8203

Click here to request a CASA for your child in care.

Double Up Food Bucks - New Program - Double Up Food Bucks Arizona is a nutrition-based, federally funded program that helps people bring home more healthy fruits and vegetables, while also supporting Arizona farmers. The program doubles the value of SNAP (formerly food stamps) benefits used at farmers markets. Use your SNAP Quest Card at participating farmers markets and every dollar you spend is matched with an extra dollar to spend on more Arizona-grown fruits and vegetables, up to an additional $20 in free fruits and vegetables per market visit. Double Up Food Bucks Arizona is currently available at 14 farmers markets, four farm stands and 34 Fresh Express Mobile Market sites across the state.

Visit to find participating farmers markets including hours and locations or ask about Double Up Food Bucks at the information booth the next time you shop with your SNAP Quest Card at your favorite farmers market. Program of Pinnacle Prevention.

Borderlands Food Bank P,O.W.W.O.W. Program operates during our produce season, typically November through August. Every week, usually on Saturdays, P.O.W.W.O.W. host sites are held in cities around Arizona. These sites are hosted by community organizations (churches, civic organizations, schools and universities.) Visit any of the P.O.W.W.O.W. sites and leave with up to 60 lbs of fresh produce, all just for a contribution of $10. Website

DES’s Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) is a federally funded, statewide program that helps families meet their basic needs on a time limited basis. TANF’s programs include nutrition assistance, cash assistance, and health insurance. Website

DES ON THE GO is a mobile program that involves two sport-utility vehicles that transport Division of Benefits and Medical Eligibility (DBME) Family Assistance Administration (FAA) employees, their laptops and other equipment to remote locations in northern and southern Arizona, including Santa Cruz County. The FAA Program Service Evaluators (PSE) set up tables and tents to assist people with applications and interviews for food and cash assistance as well as health care needs. Click here for more information about this program.

Southern Arizona Legal Aid, Inc. provides free, civil legal aid to qualified low-income persons who would not otherwise have access to Arizona's civil justice system. SALA's services include legal counseling and advice concerning legal rights and responsibilities, limited services such assistance with completing legal documents, outreach, referrals, self-help clinics and representation in court and in administrative hearings. Website

Market on the Move through the 3000 Club-For a donation of $10 in Phoenix and Tucson, and $15 in Northern Arizona you can get up to 60 lbs. of fresh produce in a farmers market like atmosphere and setup that you can share with your friends, family, neighbors or other people in need. For a schedule and locations click here.

Double Up Food Bucks - New Program - Double Up Food Bucks Arizona is a nutrition-based, federally funded program that helps people bring home more healthy fruits and vegetables, while also supporting Arizona farmers. The program doubles the value of SNAP (formerly food stamps) benefits used at farmers markets. Use your SNAP Quest Card at participating farmers markets and every dollar you spend is matched with an extra dollar to spend on more Arizona-grown fruits and vegetables, up to an additional $20 in free fruits and vegetables per market visit. Double Up Food Bucks Arizona is currently available at 14 farmers markets, four farm stands and 34 Fresh Express Mobile Market sites across the state.

Visit to find participating farmers markets including hours and locations or ask about Double Up Food Bucks at the information booth the next time you shop with your SNAP Quest Card at your favorite farmers market. Program of Pinnacle Prevention.

St. Mary’s Food Bank’s trucks deliver FREE fresh produce directly to the community in an open air market-style shopping experience for individuals and families in need. Click here for more information and to see the current month’s schedule. Website

Old Town Mission (116 E. Pinal Street, Cottonwood, AZ 86326) distributes food boxes, clothing, and hygiene supplies Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 9:00 am until 11:30 am. Website

Bread of Life Missions (1575 Sullivan Lane, Camp Verde, AZ 85633) provides a hot meal every Tuesday at 5:30 pm at 395 South Main Street, Camp Verde, AZ 85633. They also distribute emergency food boxes to those needing assistance in Camp Verde, Lake Montezuma, Rimrock, Cornville, McGuireville and Verde Lakes. You can call them at (928) 567-6931. Website

St. John Vianney Catholic Church (180 St. John Vianney Lane, Sedona, AZ 86336) distributes food items from their food pantry on Thursdays from 9 – 11 am. You can call them at (928) 282-7545. Website

Chino Valley Food Bank (840 East Road 1 S, Chino Valley, AZ provides food boxes with no referral required. Their hours of operation are Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10:00 am – 1:30 pm. You can call them at (928) 636-8478.

Central Arizona Food Bank (654 North Main Street, Cottonwood, AZ 86326) has an emergency food program in which eligibility is based solely on hunger. Persons are interviewed and may be referred to other programs for additional assistance. They also have a “Care Club” where clients may purchase a monthly food amount valued at $50 to $60 for $15 in cash, check or food stamps. Their hours are Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 10:00 am until 3:00 pm. You can call them at (928) 634-7447. Website

Prescott Community Cupboard (313 West Goodwin Street, Prescott, AZ 86303) provides bags of shelf-stable food that households can take with them, and each bag contains enough food to provide 12 nutritionally-balanced meals per household member and a bag is provided every six weeks. To sign up for services, go to Catholic Charities Community Services at 434 W. Gurley Street, Prescott. AZ 86301 Monday through Friday from 8:00 am until 3:30 pm. You can call them at (928) 778-4622. Bags must be picked up at the Community Cupboard location between 3:00 pm and 4:30 pm on the sign up day. Website

Yavapai County Food Bank (8866 East Long Mesa, Prescott Valley, AZ 86314) distributes food boxes on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. and Thursdays and Fridays from 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. An application form (2 pages) and identification for everyone that will go on your card is required along with proof of income and proof of address. If you do not have all this information today and need food, please bring what you have into their office to qualify. Their office is open 8:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. (extended to 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday and Wednesday). You can call them at (928) 775-5255. Website

Humboldt Unified School District’s Family Resource Center (6411 North Robert Road, Building 400-Room 422, Prescott Valley, AZ 86314) provides free clothing, shoes and school supplies to HUSD students who qualify for and are registered with our McKinney Vento homeless program. For families in need we also have a clothing exchange. Families can bring in clean, gently used clothing to donate in exchange for sizes that they need. You can call them at (928) 759-5104. Website

Old Town Mission (116 East Pinal Street, Cottonwood, AZ 86326) has a refurbished clothing boutique that is available for clients who are in need of gently used clothing and shoes, as well as hygiene kits which include shampoo, soap, and other toiletries. You can call them at (928) 634-7867. Website

Solid Rock Christian Fellowship (148 South Marina Street, Prescott, AZ 86303) has an outreach ministry that provides clothing and household items for those in need. You can call them at (928) 778-9790. Website

APS limited income customers may be eligible to reduce their electric bill through APS’s Energy Support Program (E-3) or Medical Care Equipment Program (E-4). Click here to learn qualifying guidelines for the Energy Support Program and click here to learn qualifying guidelines for the Medical Care Equipment Program. Website

Humboldt Unified School District’s Family Resource Center (6411 North Robert Road, Building 400-Room 422, Prescott Valley, AZ 86314) provides referrals to agencies that may offer assistance with rent, and/or utilities, and low income housing information. You can call them at (928) 759-5104. Website

Northern Arizona Council of Governments (NACOG) may be able to help with utility and energy assistance to eligible households in meeting their immediate home energy needs. Households can apply online for utility assistance. After completion of the application, you will be directed to schedule an appointment with a Case Manager in your area. NACOG Community Services is located at 3262 Bob Drive, Suite 8, Prescott Valley, AZ 86314 and you can call them at (928) 308-2988. Website

Salvation Army (237 South Montezuma Street, Prescott, AZ 86303) provides limited utility assistance. You can call them at (928) 778-0150. Website

Central Arizona Food Bank (654 North Main Street, Cottonwood, AZ 86326) administers this program for the Salvation Army - energy bills, prescription drugs and eye care referrals to those who qualify. You can call them at (928) 634-7447. Website

Boys and Girls Club (335 E Aubrey St. Prescott, AZ 86303) offers a safe place for Prescott and Prescott Valley youth to go to after the school bell rings to foster self-confidence and positive relationships with others. They have 3 locations in Yavapai County – (1) Prescott Club at 335 East Aubrey St., Prescott, AZ 86303; (928) 776-9191; (2) Prescott Valley Club at 8201 East Loos Dr., Prescott Valley, AZ 86314; (928) 237-1377; and (3) Chino Valley Teen Center At 1527 Road 1 East, Chino Valley, AZ 86323; (928) 227-1971. Many other programs available and discounts available based on income. You can call their administrative office at (928) 776-8686. Website

James Family YMCA of Prescott (750 Whipple Street, Prescott, AZ 86301) provides programs for children and families. The YMCA is open to everyone regardless of their ability to pay. An extensive scholarship program ensures access to kids and families who could not otherwise afford the benefits of the YMCA. You can call them at (928) 445-7221. Website

CASA of Yavapai County
Yavapai County Juvenile Justice Center
1100 Prescott Lakes Parkway
Prescott, AZ 86301
Phone: 928-771-3165
Fax: 928-771-3387

CASA of Yavapai County
2840 N. Commonwealth Dr.
Camp Verde, AZ 85322
Phone: 928-554-8900
Fax: 928-554-8901

Click here to request a CASA for your child in care.

Yavapai CASA for Kids Foundation
P.O. Box 12457
Prescott, AZ 86304
Phone: 928-445-0800
Contact: Jennifer Whittemore, Board President; cell – 928-533-2254;
Alternative Contact: Eileen Bond, Board Recording Secretary; 928-632-7798;

They provide grants of goods and services, through their application form available online at their website. Their form specifically asks if the applicant has first applied to AFFCF. Anyone involved in the life of a foster child can apply. C4K coordinates holiday “gift trees” to obtain holiday gifts for foster children at a number of retailers in their area (the specific stores are listed on C4K’s website). Yavapai CASA for Kids operates a mailbox for confidential letter and gift exchanges between adoptive and birth families; this service is only available when approved by the Court and when both the birth and the adoptive families agree to participate. The mailbox ensures that the birth family can receive news about their children who have been adopted in a way that respects the confidentiality of all parties. C4K runs a visitation center for foster children visiting with their biological parents. C4K provides “celebration cards”; these are gift cards from local stores that are given to children in foster care when they experience a milestone, such as a birthday, improving grades in school, getting along better in the foster home, not wetting the bed for a week, or sleeping through the night in their own bed, in order to provide much needed positive reinforcement. C4K supplies clothing gift cards for each foster child in Yavapai County. C4K also provides each DCS office in its target area with gift cards (10 cards at $50.00 each replaced as needed) under the title “emergency clothing cards” to be available for case managers/foster placements to use when a child comes into care with only with the clothes on their backs. These cards are available at the DCS office without the need to put a specific grant request into C4K and distribution of the cards is tracked so that C4K knows how they were used.

Verde Valley CASA Children’s Foundation/CASA Children’s Center, Inc.
P.O. Box 2523
Cottonwood, AZ 86326
Contact: Elisa Richards; 928-639-2611; cell – 928-300-8978;
Alternate Contact: Karin Krippene;

They provide bedding, gift cards, and mattresses.

Family Involvement Center (8766 East State Route 69, Suite G, Prescott Valley, AZ 86314) has a number of programs that provide assistance and support to parents and caregivers raising children with emotional, physical, and behavioral health needs. Their Parent-to-Parent Support Services Program can provide short-term, one-on-one support for families with children receiving behavioral health services; click here for more information. Their Youth Development & Support Services (YDSS) includes a variety of prosocial and skill‐building activities for youth ages 8 through 17 enrolled in behavioral health services, including year‐long and summer programs. They also offer a variety of parent education and training courses and respite services. Click here for additional information. Website

Humboldt Unified School District – Their Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Support Group meets once a month from 10-11:30am at the District Office located inside the Family Resource Center at 6411 North Robert Road, Room 422, Prescott Valley, AZ 86314. This group does not meet during school holidays. Please call (928) 759-5109 for more details or check out the monthly calendar for dates each month. Website

Humboldt Unified School District - Family Education Free parent/family education classes such as Love and Logic and First 5 Years, are offered each month during the school year at various locations. Their Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Support Group meets once a month from 10-11:30am at the District Office located inside the Family Resource Center at 6411 North Robert Road, Room 422, Prescott Valley, AZ 86314. This group does not meet during school holidays. Call Kelly Lee (Family and Community Engagement Coordinator) at (928) 759-5109 for more information. Website

Community Legal Services, Inc. (148 North Summit, Prescott, AZ 86301) provides high-quality legal advice, advocacy and assistance in many areas (including housing, employment, health care, etc.) to low-income Arizonans. For more information, please go to their website or call them at (928) 445-9240. Click here to see their information brochure.

AZ Law Help - Free or reduced fee legal help might be available for those who qualify. Call (866) 637-5341 or visit their website for more information.

Coalition for Compassion and Justice assists with home repairs in the following areas: health-related repairs, safety repairs, weatherization, and energy efficiency. They do not provide cash assistance. You can call them at (928) 445-8382, extension 4. Website

Yuma Community Food Bank has The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) that provides low income individuals and households with surplus commodities provided to the Food Bank by USDA. For more information call (928) 343-1243. Website They have 9 distribution sites as follows:

  1. Yuma Community Food Bank at 2404 East 24th Street, Yuma, AZ 85365; Monday through Friday from 8 am to 2 pm
  2. Wellton site under the canopy at Ed Whitehead Tires, 29889 Los Angeles Avenue, Wellton, AZ 85356; Second Thursday of every month from 7 am to 9 am
  3. Dateland Elementary School, 1300 Avenue 64E, Dateland, AZ 85333; Second Thursdays of every month from 10 am to 12 noon
  4. Gila Mountain United Methodist Church, 12716 North Frontage Road, Yuma, AZ 85367; Second Monday of each month from 8 am to 9 am
  5. Somerton Community Center, 801 West Main Street, Somerton, AZ 85350; Fourth Wednesday of each month from 10 am to 12 noon
  6. San Luis site at Senior Center, 790 Juan Sanchez Boulevard, San Luis, AZ 85349; Second Wednesday of each month from 7 am to 11 am and the Fourth Wednesday of each month from 7 am to 9 am
  7. Valley Baptist Church, 3830 West 8th Street, Yuma, AZ 85364; Fourth Thursday of each month from 8 am to 10 am
  8. Vince Nelson Housing, 2030 South Avenue A, Yuma, AZ 85364; First Wednesday of each month from 8 am to 10 am
  9. Yuma County Housing, 8450 US 95, Somerton, AZ 85350; Third Thursday of each month from 8 am to 11 am

Yuma Community Food Bank and First Things First (2404 East 24th Street, Suite A, Yuma, AZ 85365) provides one additional food box annually to Cocopah families with a child 0-5 years. Call (928) 343-1243 to make an appointment. Website

Salvation Army (475 West 13th Street, Yuma, AZ 85364) provides hot meals Monday through Friday from 10:30 am to noon, as well as food boxes. They also provide clothing. Call them at (928) 783-0181. Website

APS limited income customers may be eligible to reduce their electric bill through APS’s Energy Support Program (E-3) or Medical Care Equipment Program (E-4). Click here to learn qualifying guidelines for the Energy Support Program and click here to learn qualifying guidelines for the Medical Care Equipment Program. Website

Southwest Gas – low income customers may qualify for assistance in paying their gas bill. Website

CASA of Yuma County
2440 W. 28th Street
Yuma, AZ 85364
Phone: 928-314-1830
Fax: 928-314-1995

Click here to request a CASA for your child in care.

Yuma Council for CASA
P.O. Box 903
Yuma, AZ 85366-0903
Contact: Brooke Adams, President; home – 928-345-2598; cell – 928-246-3034;

They focus on buying things for kids directly, such as summer camps, tutoring, speech therapy (the local schools provide only 15 minutes per month, in a group setting), prescription sports goggles, equine therapy, and especially regular use clothing. They seldom do electronics. They do ask CASAs to try to go through AFFCF first before applying to the CASA council. One of the churches in town (Desert Grace Community Church of the Nazarene [Pastor Clint], 12134 N. Frontage Road, Yuma, AZ 85367, 928-305-1132) runs “Jessie’s Closet,” which provides clothes for foster children; the CASA council works with this church.

Community Legal Services, Inc. provides high-quality legal advice, advocacy and assistance in many areas (including housing, employment, health care, etc.) to low-income Arizonans. For more information, please go to their website at Click here to see their information brochure.

Go through the chain of command by contacting your caseworker and their supervisor. Click here for the list of DCS offices and telephone numbers. If that does not work please call the DCS Ombudsman at 602-255-2666 or email

Go through the chain of command by contacting your caseworker and their supervisor. Click here for the list of DCS offices and telephone numbers. If that does not work please call the DCS Ombudsman at (602) 364-0777 or email

Jessie’s Closet has clothing and My Bags (for newly placed children). Jessie's Closet is located on the second floor of Desert Grace Community Church of the Nazarene in the Foothills at 12134 N. Frontage Rd., Yuma, AZ 85367. For information, call (928) 305-1132 or email them at Jessie’s Closet is open Tuesdays and Saturdays from 9:00 am until noon and Thursdays from 6:00 pm until 8:00 pm. They also open nearly anytime for emergencies, just call (928) 769-4004. Website

Chuck E. Cheese hosts Sensory Sensitive Sundays on the first Sunday of every month from 9:00 am until 11:00 am. There will still be games and pizza, but you can also expect less people, no music or shows, dimmed lighting, and limited mouse mascot appearances. Click here to locate a restaurant near you.